Chaplaincy plays role in the healing process
For many people, cancer is more than just a disease. It’s a test of faith.
The Department of Chaplaincy and Pastoral Education knows that finding or reaffirming a belief in a higher power is part of the healing process. It offers a variety of resources to guide patients on their spiritual journey, whatever path that may take.
Chaplains are available at any hour to patients and their family members, with worship services, bedside visits, prayer requests, support groups and more.
The Freeman-Dunn Chapel in the Main Building and the Louise J. Moran Chapel in the Lowry and Peggy Mays Clinic are open to anyone seeking solace through prayer or meditation.
In addition, there are prayer rooms available that serve as peaceful retreats in a more private setting.
Through supervised training, Chaplaincy’s Clinical Pastoral Education Program prepares students for congregational work and chaplaincy.
To learn more about the department and its services, check the website.
The Moran Chapel on Floor 2 in Mays Clinic offers a peaceful setting for prayer and contemplation.
1. Jose Cedillo, manager of clinical chaplaincy programs, and Christiana Liem, chaplain, are just two members of a diverse staff that caters to patients and caregivers of all faiths. The department also partners with local community chaplaincy programs to provide faith-specific ministry.
2. Copies of the Bible, Koran and various prayer books are available in the chapel.
3. Comfortable pads are available for those who would like to kneel in prayer.
4. While no formal services are scheduled in the Moran Chapel, seating is open to anyone. The chapel is open 6 a.m.-11 p.m. daily.
5. Chaplain Donna Strasser relaxes on a cushion as she meditates.
6. Several prayer rugs are available for Muslim visitors.
7. The garden area just outside the chapel provides a serene backdrop, with plants, trees and birds that drop by.
8. Each Wednesday, when the chaplains meet for group prayer and devotion, they read aloud prayer requests and pray for the requestors.
9. The acrylic painting by Amanda Richardson of Cornwall, England, speaks to the “rush” of life, featuring rough waters that can be interpreted as challenge and adversity. But despite this, delicate flowers continue to grow along the stream.
10. Regularly scheduled worship services are held in the Freeman-Dunn Chapel on Floor 1 in the Main Building. The sanctuary is always open. Those who can’t attend in person can view services live in patient rooms on MDA-TV, Channel 24. Other religious programs are available through the MDA-TV on-demand system.
11. The Muslim Prayer Room on Floor 3 in the Main Building is available for meditation, prayer and fellowship.
12. A colorful banner near the Freeman-Dunn Chapel represents some of the many denominations that are served by Chaplaincy and Pastoral Education.