MD Anderson receives $22.2 million in CPRIT grants
Funding underscores institution's excellence, impact
MD Anderson received more than $22 million in research grants from the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) in November. More than 35% of funds awarded for Individual Investigator Awards went to MD Anderson faculty, as well as nearly 40% of funds awarded for recruitment, reflecting the excellence and impact of the institution's world-class cancer researchers and star recruitment candidates.
Across Texas institutions, CPRIT awarded a total of $112 million in 73 new grants. MD Anderson CPRIT awards included $14.8 million for research, $6 million for recruitment funding and $1.4 million for evidence-based cancer prevention services. Consistent with MD Anderson's broad research program, these CPRIT awards will fund exciting studies in cancers of the liver, skin, pancreas and ovary, as well as lymphoma, leukemia and other cancers.
Programs made possible with CPRIT funding have reached every corner of the state, brought more than 100 distinguished researchers to Texas, advanced scientific and clinical knowledge, and provided more than 2.6 million life-saving education, training, prevention and early detection services to Texans.