Among Friends: Holden Rushing, MD Anderson Cancer Center Advance Team Chair
As chair of the Advance Team, Holden Rushing leads dozens of next-generation leaders in raising awareness of and support for cancer patients at MD Anderson Cancer Center.
From negotiating real estate deals to spending quality time with family to leading the Advance Team advisory board, Holden Rushing is an expert in the art of prioritizing. When asked the keys to his success on all fronts, Rushing answers, “Make time for what matters most.” That’s exactly what he’s doing as chair of the Advance Team, next-generation leaders in support of MD Anderson.
Tell us about yourself.
After college, I moved on to a lot of places for work – New York, Los Angeles and Nashville. I ended up back in Houston, married to my beautiful wife, Brooke. We have a 1-year-old, Barringer, who is just incredible. I work in commercial real estate brokerage, representing companies around the country. My wife and I love to go camping and ride bikes, and I like to surf. I also play in a couple of bands – bass, guitar and drums.
How did you come to know MD Anderson?
I'd always known about MD Anderson growing up. But when my dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in September 2007, I discovered what was really special about the institution. My dad initially went to another hospital. They told us, "We think we can get you another two years. Let's hope for the best." We didn't like that option, so we headed to MD Anderson where they took a completely different approach. "We'll treat you with this course of action and, who knows, you may live another 30 years." Ten years later, my dad's still here. He's one of those rare, rare statistics, a pancreatic cancer survivor! MD Anderson gave him that opportunity, and our family is happy to do whatever we can.
What do you want to accomplish as Advance Team chair?
My main goal is to increase event participation. We have many Advance Team members who are extremely passionate about raising funds and building awareness of cancer in their communities. From the Stock Grill Challenge to Put Some Skin in the Game to the Prom Party Palooza, Advance Team-run events have made a significant impact in the community. I’d like to encourage more members to come out and support their teammates. At the end of my two years, I’ll feel successful if I’ve got all 60 members saying, “I really like what we’ve done and where we’re headed.”
What message do you have for other young leaders who want to give back but may not think they have the time?
Find the things you’re passionate about. Find the one that matters most to you. A smart friend of mine told me, “You have time for the things you want to do, you just have to make the time for them.”
Holden Rushing
Born: Houston, Texas
Resides: Houston, Texas
Education: B.A., Political Science, Rhodes College; MBA, Pepperdine University Graziadio School of Business
Advance Team Member: Since 2013; Chair Elect: 2014-2016; Chair: 2017-2019