Community support may improve chances of...
Trusting neighbors and community may aid smoking cessation in African-American smokers, accordingly to a study published in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine, a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine.
MD Anderson researchers collected data from 397 African-Americans seeking...
Three new therapies increase options for CML and some ALL patients
Three new therapies increase options for CML patients
Melanoma faculty contribute to Nature...
By Leslie Loddeke, Publications Coordinator, Melanoma Medical Oncology Department
MD Anderson Melanoma Medical Oncology Chair Patrick Hwu, M.D., and Professor Wen-Jen Hwu, M.D., Ph.D., were coauthors of one of the papers named in Nature Medicine's "Notable advances 2012" list of the year's top basic biomedical discoveries.
The article notes "certain areas of biomedicine saw fast-paced...
Ibrutinib is best 'single-agent ever tested in mantle cell...
Umbilical cord blood stem cells build new blood supply faster...
A new technique for expanding blood stem cells from umbilical cords in the lab before transplanting them into a patient reduces...
Clinical trials show benefit for lymphoma patients @ASH
Day two @ASH: Phase 2 clinical trial results for new CML drug, FDA...
Updated: 4:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 14
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved ponatinib (Iclusig) for chronic myeloid leukemia...
Day one: MD Anderson @ American Society of Hematology
MD Anderson physician receives award for decades of accomplishments
MD Anderson research makes ASCO Clinical Cancer Advances for 2012
MD Anderson scientists, physicians voted into elite group
Protein feeds brain tumors' sugar habit, new drug blocks it
Racial disparities: An unexplained factor in kidney cancer survival
Molecular details provide new answer for heart-threatening...
An effective drug that kills cancer by damaging DNA also attacks heart muscle, which for some patients leads to...
Depression, telomere length double-team bladder cancer patients
Routine blood test predicts risk of developing liver cancer
AACR: An annual meeting of "like minds" in cancer prevention
Institute of Medicine elects Lynda Chin to membership
Making a difference in the lives of women with rare ovarian cancers
New approach to attacking cancer: Find out what's gone and exploit...
Leprosy bacterium accounts for most, worst cases in Mexico
Adopt a secret identity, recruit allies, and slay YOUR cancer!
Blend of imaging, treatments allows removal of "inoperable"...
Researchers develop tool to predict benefit of radiation therapy
"Grab2" grip on growth factor receptor guides crucial signaling
Intact tumor suppressor hinders one type of breast cancer...
New drugs being discussed at the Annual American Society of...
Drug shrinks melanoma metastases in the brain
New course added to professional oncology education site
Cell surface protein reveals and imperils breast cancer stem cells
Prostate Cancer Stem Cells Emerge from Low-PSA Cells
Runners, Walkers Join Research Journey for Ovarian Cancer Cures
Study Finds Pain Relief Treatment Slightly Improves Over 20 Years
Researchers Find Potential Drug for Preventing, Treating Radiation...
Evidence Backs BRAF Inhibitor, Immunotherapy for Advanced Melanoma
Guang Peng Wins Landon Foundation - AACR INNOVATOR Award
Breast Cancer Vaccine Activates Immune System in Clinical Trial
Teaming Up Two Drugs Helps Ewing's Sarcoma Patients
Changes in 4 Proteins Could Guide New Approaches to Breast Cancer
AACR Awards Pasqualini Caring for Carcinoid Grant at Annual Meeting
AACR Honors Mendelsohn for 'Extraordinary Achievements'
Low Dose Aspirin And Cancer Risk
Molecular Networks Engage in Harmful Talk; Two Drugs Interrupt
Smoking Decline During 25-Year Period Saves Nearly 800,000 Lives
Research Seeks Factors that Keep Mexican-American Adolescents...
Drug Improves Quality of Life, Extends Survival for Myelofibrosis
Myelofibrosis, a lethal bone marrow malignancy, comes with especially debilitating symptoms that sap a patient's quality of life.
MD Anderson Brings World Together to Share SUMO and Ubiquitin...
Progress in Pain Relief Research, Inspired by the Children
High Platelets = Lowered Survival for Ovarian Cancer Patients
Grad Student's Stunning Image Captures Expanded Cancer Cell and an...
Radiation Exposure Study in Mice Hints at Cause for Testicular...
Discover's top 2011 stories include new melanoma therapy
MD Anderson Experts Review Leukemia, Lymphoma, Multiple Myeloma...
MD Anderson Melanoma Researchers Identify Predictive Genetic Clues
Genetic Analysis Shows Promise as Predictor of Need for...
Research Uncovers a Potential Weak Link in the Kras Chain
Kras, an influential gene that serves as an on-off switch for other genes, is mutated in 80 to 95% of cases of pancreatic cancer.