This intensive two-year program is composed of a didactic phase followed by directed clinical training at affiliated hospitals and laboratories. During the didactic phase, formal lectures, demonstrations and rotations through clinical laboratories provide experience in routine and specialized procedures.
Laboratory sessions are coordinated with lectures and cover the fundamentals of diagnostic laboratory procedures and are included in the didactic phase. The program maintains an extensive collection of reference books, microscopic slides and projection slides for use in lectures and independent study.
Students are expected to maintain high academic performance and display appropriate professional and ethical behavior during all phases of their education and training.
Bachelor of Science in Histotechnology
Students entering the two-year track at the junior level take 62 semester credit hours (SCH) towards their degree.
Students entering the one-year track at the senior level take 40 SCH towards their degree.
Students entering the one-year professional track at the senior level take 40 SCH towards their degree.
The semester-by-semester schedules include all courses needed to graduate, but the sequences are subject to change.
Two-Year Track (62 SCH)
Junior Year (24)
Fall Semester (12)
HS 3101 Basic Lab Techniques (1)
HS 3110 Medical Terminology (1)
HS 3210 Laboratory Mathematics (2)
HS 4100 Health Care Ethics (1)
HS 4111L Medical Microbiology Lab (1)
HS 4300 Pathophysiology for Health Professions (3)
HS 4310 Medical Microbiology (3)
Spring Semester (12)
HS 3102 Molecular Techniques Lab (1)
HS 3300 Medical Immunology (3)
HS 3340 Research Seminar (3)
HS 4101 Diversity & Cultural Competence (1)
HS 4161 Seminar in Healthcare (1)
HS Elective *
*Choose from one of the following courses
HS 3310 Quality in Healthcare (3)
HS 3320 Medical Genetics (3)
Senior Year (38)
Fall Semester (13)
HS 4371 Management and Education (3)
HT 4241 Histotechnology Lab. Operations I (2)
HT 4312 Theory and Practice of Histotechniques I (3)
HT 4521 Histotechniques Laboratory Rotation I (5)
Spring Semester (12)
HS 3254 Immunohistochemistry (2)
HT 4242 Histotechnology Lab. Operations II (2)
HT 4413 Theory & Practice of Histotechniques II (4)
HT 4444 Theory of Special Stains (4)
Summer Semester (13)
HT 4390 Histotechnology Capstone Review (3)
HT 4522 Histotechniques Laboratory Rotation II (5)
HT 4523 Histotechniques Laboratory Rotation III (5)
One-Year Track (40 SCH)
Fall Semester (14)
HS 4100 Health Care Ethics(1)
HS 4371 Management and Education (3)
HTL 4241 Histotechnology Lab. Operations I (2)
HTL 4312 Theory & Practice of Histotechniques I (3)
HTL 4521 Histotechniques Laboratory Rotation I (5)
Spring Semester (13)
HS 3254 Immunohistochemistry (2)
HS 4101 Diversity & Cultural Competence (1)
HTL 4242 Histotechnology Lab Operations II (2)
HTL 4413 Theory & Practice of Histotechniques II (4)
HTL 4444 Theory of Special Stains (4)
Summer Semester (13)
HT 4390 Histotechnology Capstone Review (3)
HT 4522 Histotechniques Laboratory Rotation II (5)
HT 4523 Histotechniques Laboratory Rotation III (5)
One-Year Professional Track (40 SCH)
Fall Semester (14)
HS 4100 Health Care Ethics(1)
HS 4371 Management and Education (3)
HTL 4241 Histotechnology Lab. Operations I (2)
HTL 4312 Theory & Practice of Histotechniques I (3)
HTL 4521 Histotechniques Laboratory Rotation I (5)
Spring Semester (13)
HS 3254 Immunohistochemistry (2)
HS 4101 Diversity & Cultural Competence (1)
HTL 4242 Histotechnology Lab Operations II (2)
HTL 4413 Theory & Practice of Histotechniques II (4)
HTL 4444 Theory of Special Stains (4)
Summer Semester (13)
HT 4390 Histotechnology Capstone Review (3)
HT 4522 Histotechniques Laboratory Rotation II (5)
HT 4523 Histotechniques Laboratory Rotation III (5)
Our Labs
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