Should you use very high SPF sunscreen?
Before you buy sunscreen, it’s important to understand what sun protection factor, or SPF, means. That’s the number you see on the...

Progress in Ewing’s sarcoma treatment
Ewing’s sarcoma is a rare cancer that can occur in the bones or soft tissues. It’s more common in children and teens than in adults,...
Lung cancer survivor: MD Anderson has given me more time...
In 2017, I began experiencing shortness of breath when exercising on the treadmill. I’d noticed commercials on TV about COPD, and I...
6 common brain tumor questions
Receiving a brain tumor diagnosis can be overwhelming. There are so many different types of brain tumors and treatment options, and...

Metastatic cancer: What happens when cancer spreads?
If you’ve recently received a cancer diagnosis, you may have heard the word “metastasis” or been asked by someone if your cancer has...
Practicing internist: Why I recommend MD Anderson for...
As an internist with my own practice, I’ve been referring my patients to MD Anderson Proton Therapy Center for many years when they...
Triple-negative inflammatory breast cancer survivor:...
When I was diagnosed with triple-negative inflammatory breast cancer in October 2020, it was jarring, to say the least. I was only...
Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs): 7 questions, answered
Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) are a group of rare chronic blood cancers that are often challenging to treat,with few approved...
Managing social anxiety: How to regain the ground you’ve...
Social anxiety is the reluctance to engage in everyday activities you normally enjoy, because you’re worried about making a mistake,...
Fully vaccinated but immunocompromised: What’s safe for you...
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) recent announcement that those who’ve been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 no...
What is a mastectomy?
Last updated Sept. 5, 2024
A mastectomy is one of the most well-known types of breast cancer treatment. MD Anderson breast surgeons...
Abnormal or inconclusive scan or test? 5 things to know...
Thousands of people will get screening exams for breast cancer, cervical cancer and lung cancer this year. Others will get diagnostic...
Lumpectomy: 7 things to know
Last updated June 4, 2021
A lumpectomy is the most common type of surgery used in breast cancer treatment. At MD Anderson, our...
How my father-in-law’s response to his leukemia diagnosis...
If you were faced with something bigger and scarier than you initially knew how to deal with, how would you handle it? Would you sit...
Surviving papillary thyroid cancer taught me to embrace...
I was a junior at Texas A&M University when I first got diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer after a quick visit to the campus...
Receiving breast cancer treatment close to home gave me...
In early 2020, I woke up in the middle of the night to use the restroom. By chance, my hand brushed my right breast, and I felt a lump...
Remission, cancer-free, no evidence of disease: What’s the...
To a cancer patient, one of the most magical words in the English language may be “remission.” For those fortunate enough to hear it,...
Leukemia survivor: Why I drove 700 miles for treatment at...
Not long after my acute myeloid leukemia diagnosis in May 2019, my local oncologist said I’d probably need a stem cell transplant. At...
Coping with burnout: 3 steps to get started
Burnout is the combination of exhaustion, detachment and cynicism that can sometimes develop when we’re faced with unrelieved stress...
Nurse donates blood to honor father’s memory and help...
Clinical Nurse Christine Durana donates blood so often, she takes a photo of her arm each time to help her remember when it’s been 56...
MD Anderson personalized my prostate cancer treatment
I’m an average guy that has never been that concerned about my health care. But once I got into my 60s, I started doing annual exams...
Managing voice and speech side effects after oropharyngeal...
Oropharyngeal cancer includes cancers of the tonsils, base of the tongue and other parts of the throat. It’s usually caused by the...
Skin care during COVID-19
Masking, social distancing and hand washing remain important routines that prevent COVID-19 infection even if you’ve been vaccinated....
Using my experience with colorectal cancer, Lynch syndrome...
In 2016, my daughter was six months old, and I was still working on recovering from a difficult pregnancy. I had gone back to work as...
How breast cancer pathology experts helped change the...
Lynn Hill practices what she preaches. As a coach for one of the country’s top weight loss and wellness programs, Lynn, 66, cooks...
What constitutes your medical history?
Any time you see a new doctor, one of the first things they’ll ask about is your medical history. That’s because everything from the...