Recent Publications (impact factor >5)
Year | Title | Journal | Authors (First, Last) | PMID | Services |
2021 | The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Requirement for Shared Decision-making for Lung Cancer Screening. | JAMA | Hoffman RM, Volk RJ | 33687471 | Project management |
2022 | Ensuring High-Quality Shared Decision-making for Lung Cancer Screening. | JAMA Oncol. | Volk RJ, Stacey D | 36074498 | Project management |
2022 | Assessment of Uptake Appropriateness of Computed Tomography for Lung Cancer Screening According to Patients Meeting Eligibility Criteria of the US Preventive Services Task Force. | JAMA Netw Open | Liu Y, Shih YT | 36409492 | Project management, data management |
2022 | Disparities in Receipt of Smoking Cessation Assistance Within the US. | AMA Netw Open | Maki KG, Volk RJ. | 35648402 | Project management, data management |
2022 | Addressing disparities in patients' opportunities for and competencies in shared decision making. | BMJ Qual Saf. | Tan NQP, Volk RJ. | 34162755 | Project management, data management |
2022 | Smoking cessation services and shared decision-making practices among lung cancer screening facilities: A cross-sectional study. | Cancer | Lowenstein LM, Volk RJ | 35157302 | Project management, study management, data management, data collection |
2022 | Financial toxicity impact on younger versus older adults with cancer in the setting of care delivery. | Cancer | Corrigan KL, Smith GL | 35417565 | Project management, production (graphic design) |
2022 | Decision aids for localized prostate cancer in diverse minority men: Primary outcome results from a multicenter cancer care delivery trial (Alliance A191402CD) | Cancer | Tilburt JC, Kim SP | 34890060 | Project management |
2022 | Perceptions of Conflicting Breast Cancer Screening Recommendations Among Racially/Ethnically Diverse Women: a Multimethod Study. | J Gen Intern Med. | Housten AJ, Volk RJ | 35015260 | Project management, study management, data collection |
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Note that this only lists MD Anderson publications from the last five years
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