Excellence Award
The focus of the RNA Center is to develop collaborations and work towards developing specific projects to fulfill the mission of developing ncRNAs and RNAi based therapeutic applications.
The RNA Center Award of Excellence in RNAi and ncRNA Research has been established to fund ncRNA focused research. Each award will provide $25,000 per year, up to a two-year project period.
Pilot Project: $25,000/year up to 2 years
Chun Li, Ph.D.
Professor, Experimental Diagnostic Imaging
MD Anderson Cancer Center
"Molecular Imaging of Combined EphB4 RNAi and Bevacizumab therapy in Ovarian Cancer"
Career Development: $25,000/year up to 2 years
Abhinav K. Jain, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
MD Anderson Cancer Center
"Characterization of p53 regulated lincRNA networks that establish the human stem cell state"
Lara and John Arnold Award
The focus of the RNA Center is to develop collaborations and work towards developing specific projects to fulfill the mission of developing ncRNAs and RNAi based therapeutic applications. In doing so, the RNA Center-Laura and John Arnold Foundation Award was established to fund siRNA, miRNA and other ncRNAs focused research.
With the funding assistance of the Laura and John Arnold Foundation, the RNA Center was able to fund two awards (one Education/Career Development and one Pilot Project) in its 2011 inaugural call for proposals!
Career Development: $25,000/year up to 2 years
Chun-Ju Chang, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow, Molecular & Cellular Oncology, UTMDACC
“The role of miR-200c as a biomarker for predicting p53 deficiency and its potential use as a treatment for aggressive breast cancer”
Pilot Project: $25,000/year up to 2 years
Dean Tang, Ph.D., Professor, Molecular Carcinogenesis, UTMDACC
“miRNAregulation of prostate cancer stem cells”