Lang Laboratory
Frederick Lang, M.D.
Chair, Neurosurgery
Principal Investigator
- Departments, Labs and Institutes
- Labs
- Lang Laboratory
Areas of Research
- Brain and CNS Tumor
- miRNAs
- p53
- Stem Cell Biology
Welcome to the Lang Laboratory. We are a clinical and translational research laboratory in the Brain Tumor Center within the Department of Neurosurgery at MD Anderson Cancer Center. Our research focuses on developing “biological therapies,” which we define as naturally occurring viruses, cells, or molecules, whose intrinsic properties can be exploited for treating brain tumors. Frederick Lang, M.D., is chair of the Department of Neurosurgery and the Principal Investigator for MD Anderson’s Brain Cancer SPORE grant. The goal of the laboratory is to translate innovative biological therapeutic approaches to the clinic.
Our Research
Notable Publications
Funding Support
The Broach Foundation for Brain Cancer Research
CureFest, Inc.
The Elias Foundation
The Uncle Kory Foundation
National Cancer Institute
National Institutes of Health