Notable and Recent Publications
Hasanov M, Milton DR, Bea Davies A, Sirmans E, Saberian C, Posada EL, Opusunju S, Gershenwald JE, Torres-Cabala CA, Burton EM, Colen R, Huse JT, Glitza Oliva IC, Chung C, McAleer MF, McGovern SL, Yeboa DN, Kim BYS, Prabhu SS, McCutcheon IE, Weinberg J, Lang FF, Tawbi HA, Li J, Haydu LE, Davies MA, Ferguson SD. Changes in Outcomes and Factors Associated with Survival in Melanoma Patients with Brain Metastases. Neuro Oncol. e-Pub 12/2022. PMID: 36510640.
Wilmott JS, Tawbi H, Engh JA, Amankulor NM, Shivalingam B, Banerjee H, Vergara IA, Lee H, Johansson PA, Ferguson PM, Saiag P, Robert C, Grob JJ, Butterfield LH, Scolyer RA, *Kirkwood JM, *Long GV, *Davies MA (*co-senior authors). Clinical features associated with outcomes and biomarker analysis of dabrafenib plus trametinib treatment in patients with BRAF-mutant melanoma brain metastases. Clin Cancer Res. e-Pub 12/2022. PMID: 36477181.
*Menzies AM, *Amaria RN, *Rozeman EA, *Huang AC, *Tetzlaff MT, *van de Wiel BA, *Lo S, Tarhini AA, Burton EM, Pennington TE, Saw RPM, Xu X, Karakousis GC, Ascierto PA, Spillane AJ, van Akkooi ACJ, **Davies MA, **Mitchell TC, **Tawbi HA, **Scolyer RA, **Wargo JA, **Blank CU, **Long GV (* contributed equally, **co-senior). Pathological response and survival with neoadjuvant therapy in melanoma: a pooled analysis from the International Neoadjuvant Melanoma Consortium (INMC). Nat Med 27(2):301-309, 2/2021. e-Pub 2/2021. PMID: 33558722.
Fukumura K, Malgulwar PB, Fischer GM, Hu X, Mao X, Song X, Hernandez SD, Zhang XH, Zhang J, Parra ER, Yu D, Debeb BG, Davies MA, Huse JT. Multi-omic molecular profiling reveals potentially targetable abnormalities shared across multiple histologies of brain metastasis. Acta Neuropathol. e-Pub 1/2021. PMID: 33394124.
Fischer GM, Guerrieri RA, Hu Q, Joon AY, Kumar S, Haydu LE, McQuade JL, Vashisht Gopal YN, Knighton B, Deng W, Hudgens CW, Lazar AJ, Tetzlaff MT, Davies MA. Clinical, molecular, metabolic, and immune features associated with oxidative phosphorylation in melanoma brain metastases. Neurooncol Adv 3(1):vdaa177, Jan-Dec, 1/2021. e-Pub 1/2021. PMCID: PMC7865080.
Fischer GM, Carapeto FCL, Joon AY, Haydu LE, Chen H, Wang F, Van Arnam JS, McQuade JL, Wani K, Kirkwood JM, Thompson JF, Tetzlaff MT, Lazar AJ, Tawbi HA, Gershenwald JE, Scolyer RA, Long GV, Davies MA. Molecular and immunological associations of elevated serum lactate dehydrogenase in metastatic melanoma patients: A fresh look at an old biomarker. Cancer Med. e-Pub 10/2020. PMID: 33016647.
*Tetzlaff MT, *Adhikari C, Lo S, Rawson RV, Amaria RN, Menzies AM, Wilmott JS, Ferguson PM, Ross MI, Spillane AJ, Vu KA, Ma J, Ning J, Haydu L, Saw RPM, Wargo JA, Tawbi HA, Gershenwald JE, **Long GV, **MA Davies, **Scolyer RA (* and ** contributed equally). Histopathological features of complete pathological response predict recurrence-free survival following neoadjuvant targeted therapy for metastatic melanoma. Ann Oncol. e-Pub 7/2020. PMID: 32739408.
Haydu LE, Lo SN, McQuade JL, Amaria RN, Wargo J, Ross MI, Cormier JN, Lucci A, Lee JE, Ferguson SD, Saw RPM, Spillane AJ, Shannon KF, Stretch JR, Hwu P, Patel SP, Diab A, Wong MKK, Glitza Oliva IC, Tawbi H, Carlino MS, Menzies AM, Long GV, Lazar AJ, Tetzlaff MT, Scolyer RA, Gershenwald JE, Thompson JF, Davies MA. Cumulative Incidence and Predictors of CNS Metastasis for Patients With American Joint Committee on Cancer 8th Edition Stage III Melanoma. J Clin Oncol 38(13):1429-1441, 5/2020. e-Pub 1/2020. PMCID: PMC7193747.
Vashisht Gopal YN, Gammon ST, Prasad R, Knighton B, Pisaneschi F, Roszik J, Feng N, Johnson S, Pramanik S, Sudderth J, Sui D, Hudgens CW, Fischer GM, Deng W, Reuben A, Peng W, Wang J, Di Francesco ME, Marszalek JR, McQuade JL, Tetzlaff MT, Piwnica-Worms D, DeBerardinis RJ, Davies MA. A novel mitochondrial inhibitor blocks MAPK pathway and overcomes MAPK inhibitor-resistance in melanoma. Clin Cancer Res, 11/2019. PMID: 31439581.
Fischer GM, Jalali A, Kircher DA, Lee WC, McQuade JL, Haydu LE, Joon AY, Reuben A, de Macedo MP, Carapeto FCL, Yang C, Srivastava A, Ambati CR, Sreekumar A, Hudgens CW, Knighton B, Deng W, Ferguson SD, Tawbi HA, Glitza IC, Gershenwald JE, Vashisht Gopal YN, Hwu P, Huse JT, Wargo JA, Futreal PA, Putluri N, Lazar AJ, DeBerardinis RJ, Marszalek JR, Zhang J, Holmen SL, Tetzlaff MT, Davies MA. Molecular Profiling Reveals Unique Immune and Metabolic Features of Melanoma Brain Metastases. Cancer Discov 9(5):628-645, 5/2019. PMID: 30787016.
McQuade JL, Daniel CR, Hess KR, Mak C, Wang DY, Rai RR, Park JJ, Haydu LE, Spencer C, Wongchenko M, Lane S, Lee DY, Kaper M, McKean M, Beckermann KE, Rubinstein SM, Rooney I, Musib L, Budha N, Hsu J, Nowicki TS, Avila A, Haas T, Puligandla M, Lee S, Fang S, Wargo JA, Gershenwald JE, Lee JE, Hwu P, Chapman PB, Sosman JA, Schadendorf D, Grob JJ, Flaherty KT, Walker D, Yan Y, McKenna E, Legos JJ, Carlino MS, Ribas A, Kirkwood JM, Long GV, Johnson DB, Menzies AM, Davies MA. Association of body-mass index and outcomes in patients with metastatic melanoma treated with targeted therapy, immunotherapy, or chemotherapy: a retrospective, multicohort analysis. Lancet Oncol 19(3):310-322, 3/2018. PMID: 29449192.
Glitza IC, Rohlfs M, Guha-Thakurta N, Bassett RL, Bernatchez C, Diab A, Woodman SE, Yee C, Amaria RN, Patel SP, Tawbi H, Wong M, Hwu WJ, Hwu P, Heimberger A, McCutcheon IE, Papadopoulos N, Davies MA. Retrospective review of metastatic melanoma patients with leptomeningeal disease treated with intrathecal interleukin-2. ESMO Open 3(1):e000283, 1/2018. PMID: 29387478.
Davies MA, Saiag P, Robert C, Grob JJ, Flaherty KT, Arance A, Chiarion-Sileni V, Thomas L, Lesimple T, Mortier L, Moschos SJ, Hogg D, Márquez-Rodas I, Del Vecchio M, Lebbé C, Meyer N, Zhang Y, Huang Y, Mookerjee B, Long GV. Dabrafenib plus trametinib in patients with BRAF(V600)-mutant melanoma brain metastases (COMBI-MB): a multicentre, multicohort, open-label, phase 2 trial. Lancet Oncol 18(7):863-873, 7/2017. PMID: 28592387.
Peng W, Chen JQ, Liu C, Malu S, Creasy C, Tetzlaff MT, Xu C, McKenzie JA, Zhang C, Liang X, Williams LJ, Deng W, Chen G, Mbofung R, Lazar AJ, Torres-Cabala CA, Cooper ZA, Chen PL, Tieu TN, Spranger S, Yu X, Bernatchez C, Forget MA, Haymaker C, Amaria R, McQuade JL, Glitza IC, Cascone T, Li HS, Kwong LN, Heffernan TP, Hu J, Bassett RL, Bosenberg MW, Woodman SE, Overwijk WW, Lizée G, Roszik J, Gajewski TF, Wargo JA, Gershenwald JE, Radvanyi L, *Davies MA, *Hwu P (*contributed equally). Loss of PTEN Promotes Resistance to T Cell-Mediated Immunotherapy. Cancer Discov 6(2):202-16, 2/2016. PMID: 26645196.
Gopal YN, Rizos H, Chen G, Deng W, Frederick DT, Cooper ZA, Scolyer RA, Pupo G, Komurov K, Sehgal V, Zhang J, Patel L, Pereira CG, Broom BM, Mills GB, Ram P, Smith PD, Wargo JA, Long GV, Davies MA. Inhibition of mTORC1/2 overcomes resistance to MAPK pathway inhibitors mediated by PGC1α and oxidative phosphorylation in melanoma. Cancer Res 74(23):7037-47, 12/2014. PMID: 25297634.
Chen G, Chakravarti N, Aardalen K, Lazar AJ, Tetzlaff MT, Wubbenhorst B, Kim SB, Kopetz S, Ledoux AA, Gopal YN, Pereira CG, Deng W, Lee JS, Nathanson KL, Aldape KD, Prieto VG, Stuart D, Davies MA. Molecular Profiling of Patient-Matched Brain and Extracranial Melanoma Metastases Implicates the PI3K Pathway as a Therapeutic Target. Clin Cancer Res 20(21):5537-46, 11/2014. PMID: 24803579.
Bucheit AD, Chen G, Siroy A, Tetzlaff M, Broaddus R, Milton D, Fox P, Bassett R, Hwu P, Gershenwald JE, Lazar AJ, Davies MA. Complete loss of PTEN protein expression correlates with shorter time to brain metastasis and survival in stage IIIB/C melanoma patients with BRAFV600 mutations. Clin Cancer Res 20(21):5527-36, 11/2014. PMID: 25165098.