Wang Laboratory
Bin Wang, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator
Areas of Research
- Genetics
- Genome Stability
- DNA Damage Response
- DNA Repair
- Breast Cancer
- Tumor Suppression
- Epigenetics
- Ubiquitin Signaling
Welcome to the Wang Laboratory at MD Anderson Cancer Center. We aim to understand how cells respond to DNA damage and safeguard the integrity of the genome.
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- Bin Wang Laboratory
Research Focus
A hallmark of cancer is genomic instability. Our goal is to use molecular, genetic and cellular approaches to identify and characterize important players in the DNA damage response network that are required for maintaining genome stability and tumor suppression. Currently we are focusing on the following research areas: (1) how the hereditary breast tumor suppressor BRCA1 interaction network suppresses breast tumor development; (2) how chromatin modification at sites of DNA damage regulates DNA repair and transcription; (3) how the cell protects genome stability in response to DNA replication stress.

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Our Funding
We are grateful for the generous funding support of our sponsors:
National Institute of Health, National Cancer Institute, Cancer
Prevention and Research Institute of Texas and The University of Texas
MD Anderson Cancer Center