Long-term loyalty
Thoughtful investigation and steady perseverance are the approaches MD Anderson's specialists use to unlock answers to cancer's mysteries. They're also the tactics behind Colin Chopin's history as a 30-year Annual Fund supporter.
Although Chopin has never been a patient at MD Anderson, he studies the institution closely, keeping up with the latest developments.
"MD Anderson is truly a worthy cause," he says. "Cancer is a scourge to so many, and if I can do something to help I will."
Method measures quality
Chopin, a native Australian who moved to Plano, Texas, near Dallas, 40 years ago, practiced law for many years. One of his clients was an insurance company, and as a defendant in personal injury cases he learned to measure physicians' skill and integrity. This led him to develop a personal logarithm to evaluate health care providers.
More than three decades ago, Chopin read about MD Anderson's progress toward cancer treatment and prevention.
"I support only institutions I believe are honest and good," he says. "MD Anderson sounded like an institution exerting tremendous effort, with all the right people involved. That's proved to be the case."
Several years ago, a friend in Australia called with the bad news that she had a brain tumor. Armed with a recommendation from his son's fellow college professor, Chopin that day contacted Frederick Lang Jr., M.D., professor and director of clinical research in Neurosurgery at MD Anderson. Lang responded promptly with the name of a stellar physician in Australia, cementing Chopin's good impression.
Gifts made with care and gratitude
At 79, Chopin still works in real estate management. He and his wife have three children, seven grandchildren and a new great-granddaughter. He travels often, including annual visits to France for a family reunion that's been going on for 166 years.
At the end of each year, the Chopins decide who's worthy of a check. And for 30 years, MD Anderson's made the cut.
"Cancer is a major challenge," he says. "But I believe progress is being made, and MD Anderson is positioned to make real strides."
To contribute to the Annual Fund, visit www.mdanderson.org/gifts. Thank you for making the difference in the lives of cancer patients everywhere.