Red wine and your health: Facts and myths
It's often said that a glass of red wine is good for your health. But how true is that? And what does it mean for your cancer risk?

Some studies suggest that yes, red wine may help reduce your chances of getting cancer. Yet, other research has shown that drinking even a small amount of alcohol increases your chances.
We’ve broken down the facts on the possible benefits and drawbacks of indulging in wine.
Red wine may have health benefits
The ancient Egyptians and Greeks considered wine to be “good for health” and used it as a form of medicine. But researchers question whether this belief holds true.
What researchers have found is this: The skin and seeds of grapes may have healthy properties. A big part of this power comes from the antioxidant resveratrol. This natural plant chemical protects your cells from damage that could lead to cancer.
Red wine is full of resveratrol because it’s made from grapes. But researchers are still trying to confirm whether the resveratrol in red wine actually reduces cancer risk.
Wine selection and serving size matters
Want to reap wine’s possible health benefits? Stick to this advice:
- Choose red wine over white. The red and purple grapes used to make red wine may have more benefits. That’s because they contain more resveratrol than green grapes.
- Look at the vineyard. Before choosing a wine, dig a little deeper to learn about the vineyard that makes the wine. Vineyards located in cool, moist climates produce grapes with larger amounts of resveratrol than those in warm, dry climates.
- Stick to the recommended serving size of 5 ounces. Women should have no more than one drink per day, and men should have no more than two drinks per day.
Even though some studies suggest that a glass of wine may lower your risk of heart disease, researchers can’t say for sure that a glass of red wine lowers your risk for cancer.
The serving sizes for alcoholic beverages for men and women are different because women have less water in their bodies to dilute the effects of alcohol. As a result, the alcohol stays in a woman’s body longer than a man’s. And the longer large amounts of alcohol stay in your body, the higher your risk for brain and organ damage, high blood pressure and stroke .
Bottom line: Not drinking is the safest choice
Even though some studies suggest that a glass of wine may lower your risk of heart disease, researchers can’t say for sure that a glass of red wine lowers your risk for cancer.
But one thing is certain — heavy drinking does damage your cells and can increase your chances for cancer. So, if you choose to drink red wine, do so in moderation.
Request an appointment at MD Anderson's Lyda Hill Cancer Prevention Center online or call 888-774-3020.