MD Anderson Melanoma Researchers Identify Predictive Genetic Clues
A study led by Melanoma Medical Oncology Department researcher Michael A. Davies, M.D., Ph.D., published in the journal Cancer identifies significant predictive associations of certain gene mutations with the risk of brain metastasis as well as outcome after diagnosis of stage IV disease.
Davies, senior author of the article, and colleagues at MD Anderson Cancer Center analyzed data collected from 677 melanoma patients who were...
Genetic Analysis Shows Promise as Predictor of Need for Chemotherapy
A new 14-gene assay shows promise as a predictor of which early stage lung cancer patients may need chemotherapy because their disease is...
Research Uncovers a Potential Weak Link in the Kras Chain
Kras, an influential gene that serves as an on-off switch for other genes, is mutated in 80 to 95% of cases of pancreatic cancer.
Inflammation Silences Tumor-Fighting Genes in Colorectal Cancer
Chronic inflammation and the chemical silencing of tumor-suppressing genes have long been known to influence development and progression of colorectal cancer.
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center scientists have now established a direct molecular connection between these two important influences. They also tested two drugs, separately and together, with promising results in mice that are genetically engineered to develop...