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- Diagnosis & Treatment
- Care Centers & Clinics
- Dermatology and Mohs Center
- Care Centers & Clinics
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- Breast Center
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- Children's Cancer Hospital
- Clinical Center for Targeted Therapy
- Colorectal Center
- Dermatology and Mohs Center
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Dermatologic surgery, or dermasurgery, is used to treat both benign skin conditions and skin cancer. One highly specialized and effective type of dermasurgery is Mohs micrographic surgery. Using precise measurement techniques, Mohs surgery removes cancerous cells while leaving healthy tissue intact and reducing the possibility of scarring.
The Dermatology and Mohs Center combines faculty from the dermatology departments of MD Anderson Cancer Center and the University of Texas Health Sciences Center at Houston (UTHSC). Our Mohs surgeons are board-certified dermatologists with additional training and extensive experience in the Mohs procedure. Treatment of non-cancerous skin conditions also are provided at UT-Houston's Dermatology Clinic.
In addition to Mohs, this unit treats both rare and common skin cancers using a wide range of surgical and non-surgical treatments. These include:
- Biopsies
- Excisions
- Laser surgery
- Treatment of sun-damaged skin
- CO2 laser treatment of benign and malignant skin growths
- Reconstructive surgery
- Mole removal
Conditions we treat:
- Melanoma, including lentigo maligna
- Non-melanoma skin cancer
- Basal cell cancer
- Squamous cell cancer
- Merkel cell carcinoma
- Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans
- Microcystic adnexal carcinoma
- Extramammary Paget’s disease
- Atypical fibroxanthoma
- Immunosuppression and skin cancer
- Organ transplantation and skin cancer
Sunscreen, cover and shade are all my friends now. Being tan is so pretty, but it's not worth my life.
Kimberly Bowness
Need Directions?
The Dermatology and Mohs Center is located in the Life Science Plaza at 2130 W. Holcombe Blvd., floor six.
Get directions to and around MD Anderson on the MD Anderson Directions app, available on the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.

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Skin Cancer Resources

Prevention & Screening
Many cancers can be prevented with lifestyle changes and regular screening.
Contact Us
The Mohs and Dermasurgery Unit business hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
713-563-2772 (Current patients)
844-885-9665 (New patients)
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