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Acute Cancer Care Center
If you need care right away for symptoms caused by your cancer diagnosis or treatment, MD Anderson's Acute Cancer Care Center is available to help.
The Acute Cancer Care Center is open 24 hours, every day.
When to go to the Acute Cancer Care Center
Our care team members are experts in treating the unique needs of our cancer patients. Symptoms to address include: fever, chills, bleeding, feeling dizzy or fainting.
Feeling ill or have symptoms? Call your care team first. They will help determine next steps. After hours, call askMDAnderson at 833-821-0541.
In case of an emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital emergency center.
How to get to the Acute Cancer Care Center:
The center is located on the Texas Medical Center campus and is open 24 hours, every day.
From Holcombe Boulevard, turn at Entrance Marker 3. The entrance is on Bates Street.
Walk-in: From inside the Main Building, go to Floor 2. Look for signs in the hallway near Elevator E, towards Elevator PB.
Nearest parking:
Texas Medical Center Garage 2, 6740-6798 Bertner Ave.
Get driving and walking directions on the MD Anderson Directions app. Download the app on the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.

request an appointment online.
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