MD Anderson implements proactive measures...
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center is committed to keeping our patients, our workforce members and our community safe throughout the 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. As part of our commitment, the institution is taking additional proactive measures to prevent the introduction or spread of COVID-19 at any of our campuses.
MD Anderson is:
Requiring quarantine for new patients traveling from...New therapeutic strategies proposed for some lung and...
New findings from researchers at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center about how some cancer cells become “addicted” to...
Combination creates powerful central memory T cells for...
Treating T cells harvested from a patient with a combination of an epigenetic drug and a cytokine while expanding the cells in the lab...
Study sheds light on fatty acid’s role in “chemobrain” and...
Medical experts have always known myelin, the protective coating of nerve cells, to be metabolically inert. A study led by The...

Pembrolizumab shows promise for some advanced,...
A study conducted by researchers at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center demonstrated acceptable toxicity and anti-tumor...
MD Anderson returning to normal operations on Monday, March 2
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center is preparing to return to normal operations on Monday morning, March 2, after...