The ITERT Education and Training Core Platform
What is ITERT?
ITERT is an advanced education and training (E&T) core platform housed at the Translational Molecular Pathology (TMP) department, at MD Anderson Cancer Center. ITERT stands for Interdisciplinary Translational Education and Research Training, and is a service dedicated to providing career stage-specific training in academic and related disciplines of translational oncology research.
Who does ITERT serve?
- Graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, research investigators, college‐and high‐school students, staff and junior faculty at MD Anderson
- Visiting medical students/fellows at TMP (international)
- Undergraduate summer students at MD Anderson (from across the United States)
- Trainees from across the Texas Medical Center
Service Goals:
Our goal is to ensure that our trainees and staff are best prepared to lead successful professional careers in academia and other related fields in translational cancer science. We aim to achieve this by trainee‐centered programming that includes leadership development, and evolves with continual improvement through assessment and feedback. Our programing is a three‐pronged approach uniquely geared to meet the diverse training needs of our students, fellows, and staff:
1) Research education
2) Career development
3) Supportive learning community
This three‐pronged training focus allows candidates an in‐depth research experience in translational cancer research, as well as tailored professional development opportunities, in an environment designed to foster a sense of community and make learning fun. At ITERT, we also promote the academic talents and leadership capabilities of junior faculty and staff. ITERT provides the foundational framework of education‐ and career‐support for extramural training grants at TMP, such as NCI-T32 and NCI-U24 and individual investigator NIH-R01s.
The ITERT Model of E&T: ITERT is rooted in providing impactful mentorship, and a sense of community to our students, fellows and staff. The program currently supports ~100 trainees and staff (at various career stages) and aims to offer a strong platform for advanced scientific training required for careers in translational cancer science. At the heart of education and training at ITERT is the passionate commitment and service of TMP faculty, actively supported by the administrative staff.
Education and Training at ITERT
ITERT Celebrating Our Workforce
TMP Trainees Networking with Distinguished Speaker (Dr. McAllister)
Dr. Rama Soundararajan, ITERT Director
ITERT Career Path Seminar Series
ITERT Annual Science Fair (Outreach)
ITERT Work-Life Harmony Series
ITERT Undergraduate Summer Research Program Awardees
ITERT Celebrating Our Workforce
TMP Trainees Networking with Distinguished Speaker (Dr. McAllister)
Dr. Rama Soundararajan, ITERT Director
ITERT Career Path Seminar Series
ITERT Contacts:
Rama Soundararajan, Ph.D.
Krishna Bhat, Ph.D.
Ebonie R. Hatfield
Program Manager
Humberto Shaw
Program Coordinator
ITERT Summer Undergraduate Research Program Poster winners!
Camille Abaya - 1st Place - Kadara Lab
Prahlad Bhat - 2nd Place - Kannan Lab
Jamie Lim - 2nd Place - Fujimoto Lab
Zachary Gary - 3rd Place - Calin Lab
Camille Abaya - 1st Place - Kadara Lab
Jonathan Kim - 2nd Place - Yao Lab
Vishy Rao - 3rd Place - Duose Lab
Jay Mehta - 1st Place - Solis-Soto Lab
Silmi Merchant - 1st Place - Mani Lab
No winners declared - Cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic.
ITERT Think Tank Seminar Series
Research-in-progress talks by trainees – this forum provides trainees an opportunity to present their ongoing work at length, to improve presentation skills, and to receive real-time feedback from faculty and peers. This platform also engages technology- and core-service providers from across MD Anderson, the Texas Medical Center (TMC) and U.S.
Leads: Dr. Simone Anfossi, Dr. Linda Fabris
ITERT STEM Training & Education Program for Undergraduates
ITERT hosts a competitive hands-on summer learning experience for highly motivated undergraduates aspiring for a career in translational science.
For more information see ITERT STEM Training & Education Program.
ITERT Summer Program Leads:
Dr. Rama Soundararajan
Associate Professor, Translational Molecular Pathology
Dr. Khalida Wani
Laboratory Manager, Translational Molecular Pathology
Dr. Vashisht Yennu Nanda
Associate Professor, Translational Molecular Pathology
ITERT Members
Sridevi Addanki, Postdoc, 2018-Present | ResearchGate
Alessandra Audia, Postdoc, 2015-Present | LinkedIn | ResearchGate
Neus Bota, Postdoc, 2015-Present | LinkedIn
Hitoshi Dejima, Postdoc, 2018-2019
Abhijeet Deshmukh, Postdoc, 2018-Present | LinkedIn | ResearchGate
Rachel L. Dittmar, Grad student, 2015-Present | LinkedIn | ResearchGate
Daniela Duenas, Postdoc, 2019
Pravesh Gupta, Postdoc, 2019 | LinkedIn | ResearchGate
Antoneicka L. Harris, Postdoc, 2018-Present | LinkedIn
Daisy Izaguirre, Postdoc, 2017-2019 | LinkedIn
Nick Allen Kuburich, Postdoc, 2018-Present | LinkedIn | ResearchGate
Debora Alejandra Ledesma, Postdoc, 2018-Present | LinkedIn
Mehvish Naseer, Grad student, 2019
Joanne Speer, Senior Research Histology Tech, 2015-Present
Iris Stuiver, Grad student, 2019 | LinkedIn
Alex Trevarton, Postdoc, 2017-Present
Our Labs
Learn more about our faculty and research taking place in our labs.
View conferences available for continuing education credit.