Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act
Fire Safety
While on The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center's campus, students should know the emergency plan for fire as issued by the MD Anderson Department of Health and Safety:
Know how to report a fire
- Be able to locate exits, fire extinguishers and pull stations.
- Activate the nearest pull station Call: 911 or 713-794-HELP (4357)
Remember R.A.C.E.
- Rescue
- Alarm
- Confine
- Extinguish if capable or Evacuate as directed.
When using an extinguisher, remember P.A.S.S.
- Pull the pin
- Aim the hose or nozzle at the base of the fire
- Squeeze the handle
- Sweep the hose or nozzle from side to side
Additional information
For further information, call the MD Anderson Environmental Health and Safety department at 713-792-2888. For non-emergency requests for UT Police, call 713-792-2890.
Campus Security Act
In compliance with the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act 20 USC Sections 1092(a), (e) and (f), as amended, MD Anderson collects specified information on campus crime statistics.
Pursuant to the federal law, alleged victims of violent crime are entitled to know the results of campus student disciplinary proceedings concerning the alleged perpetrators. The University will make timely reports to the campus community on crimes considered to be a threat to students and employees and reported to campus police or local police agencies.
Every September, the university will publish and distribute an annual report of campus security policies and crime statistics to all current students and employees, provide copies of the report to applicants for enrollment or employment upon request and submit a copy of the report to the secretary of education upon request.
The annual campus crime statistics report will reference crimes which occur on property owned or controlled by the university. The university will publish in its annual security report, its policy regarding sex-related offenses, including sexual assault prevention programs, education programs to promote awareness of sex offenses, administrative disciplinary procedures and sanctions for offenders and counseling and student services for victims.
To review the crime statistics on the Texas Medical Center campus:
- Visit The University of Texas Police Department web site.
- Click "Campus Safety" (left, second link from bottom).
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