Standing Committees
The following is a list of standing committees within the School of Health Professions, including each purpose, chair, and membership.
Academic Affairs Committee (AAC)
Centralize resources and information to address issues within SHP.
Chair: Dr. William Undie
- Dr. Hady Abdin, Assistant Professor, SHP
- Mark Bailey, Associate Professor, SHP
- Dr. Catherine Bammert, Assistant Professor, SHP
- Dr. Suzieann Bass, Assistant Professor, SHP
- Dr. Ryan Beard, Director, Academic Accreditation, E&T
- Heather Beckles-Bright, Director, Student and Financial Services, UTH
- Kevin Burnett, Associate Dean for Management, UTH
- Dr. Kevin Clark, Associate Professor, SHP
- Dr. Mary Coolbaugh-Murphy, Assistant Professor, SHP
- Dr. Mahsa, Dehghanpour, Professor, SHP
- Celete Dennis, Director, Leave and Accommodations, MDA
- Nghi Do-Ferreira, Program Manager, Recruitment, SHP
- Mena El-Sharkawi, Program Manager, E&T Publications, MDA
- James Fore, Assistant Director, Student Financial Services, UTH
- Amy Gentry, Senior Legal Officer, MDA
- Dr. Dyaz Godfrey, Associate Director, Academic Affairs, SHP
- Dr. Brandy Greenhill, Professor, SHP
- Dr. Jun Gu, Professor, SHP
Ex-Officio Members: Dr. Kim Hoggatt Krumwiede, Dr. Peter Hu, Shibu Matthews
- Monica Guidry, Student Wellness & Counseling, UTH
- Mary Gust, Program Manager, Clinical Coordinator Radiography, SHP
- Joy Harrison, Director, Health Services, UTH
- Jasmine Holmes, EAP, UTH
- Sandra John-Baptiste, Assistant Professor, SHP
- Sharlene Johnson, Account Coordinator and Clinician, Student Counseling, UTH
- Dr. Susan Lee, Associate Professor, SHP
- Dr. Toysha Mayer, Assistant Professor, SHP
- Arwen Meador, Librarian, Research Medical Library, MDA
- Brenda Powers, Registrar, UTH
- Stephanie Snedden, Sr. Associate Registrar, UTH
- Dr. Claudia Tamara, Assistant Professor, SHP
- Sue Thomey, Bursar, UTH
- Dr. Rey Trevino, Program Director, Admissions and Academic Services, SHP
- Rose Mary Valencia, Executive Director, Office of Visa, MDA
- Emily Wells, Enterprise Campus Applications & Academic Technology, UTH
Academic Standards Subcommittee
Subcommittee of the AAC.
Review and recommend policies concerning the grading, examinations, academic and nonacademic disciplinary matters.
Chair: Dr. Mary Coolbaugh-Murphy
Members: Mark Bailey, Dr. Catherine Bammert, Dr. Kevin Clark, Sandra John-Baptiste
Ex-Officio: Dr. Dyaz Godfrey, Dr. William Undie
Assessment Committee
To assess and track student learning outcomes for quality improvement and reportingfor program and institutional accreditation. The SLO Assessment Committee meets twice a year with the first meeting atthe beginning of the school year (Aug/Sep) to finalize assessment plans and begin the new academic year plans. Thecommittee meets again towards the middle of the year (Dec/Jan) to follow up on any items or discuss any issues thatarose from assessment findings. Any additional meetings would be scheduled as needed.
Chair: Dr. Shawn Caldwell (Radiation Therapy)
Cytogenetic Technology Dr. Jun Gu Cytotechnology Dr. Catherine Bammert Diagnostic Genetics & Genomics Dr. Manjunath Nimmakayalu Diagnostic Imaging Dr. Suzieann Bass Diagnostic Imaging Dr. Claudia Tamara Diagnostic Medical Sonography Dr. Hady Abdin Health Care DDA Dr. Susan Lee |
Histotechnology Dr. Toysha Mayer Junior Year Michelle Ellis Medical Dosimetry Dr. Jamie Baker Medical Laboratory Science Karen Clatt Molecular Genetic Technology Dr. Vibhuti Srivastava Radiologic Sciences Dr. Kevin Clark |
Ex-Officio Members
Dr. Ryan Beard, Dr. Dyaz Godfrey, Dr. Mary Sizemore
Catalog & Web Site Subcommittee
Subcommittee of the AAC.
Review and update the school’s annual cataloge and determine appropriate alignment of its content with the school’s web site. The committee will ensure that public information on the web site is maintained, well-organized and easily assessable to the public.
Chair: Dr. Suzieann Bass
Members: Nghi Do-Ferreira, Dominique Gomez, Wilton Muriithi, Corliss Ramsey
Ex-Officio: Dr. Rey Trevino, Dr. William Undie
Curriculum Subcommittee
Subcommittee of the AAC.
- Review all changes proposed by each academic program, including all program currcilum changes.
- Review SHP programs Student Handbook and determine consistency and alignment of policy and procedure guidelines for students in all programs.
- Establish a timeline for submission of all requests for consideration.
Chair: Dr. Jamie Baker
Members: Dr. Katie Jervis, Dr. Xiaojun Liu, Dr. Manjunath Nimmakayalu, Dr. MIng Zhao
Ex-Officio: Dr. Rey Trevino, Dr. William Undie
Educational Technology Advisory Committee
To provide centralized coordination and support for the School of Health Professionswith the following aspects of educational technology: software and hardware requests, software and hardware review,security clearance, contracts, purchasing, installation, training, and maintenance. The ETAC Committee meets monthlywith the first meeting at the beginning of the school year (Aug/Sep). The committee will report updates at the monthlyAcademic Affairs Committee meetings. Any additional meetings would be scheduled as needed.
Co-Chair: Dr. Rey Trevino
Co-Chair: Francisco Vergeray
Cytogenetic Technology Dr. Jun Gu Cytotechnology Katie Jervis Diagnostic Genetics & Genomics Dr. Awdhesh Kalia Diagnostic Imaging Anthony Francois Diagnostic Imaging Alyssa Mora Diagnostic Medical Sonography Anca Fumurescu Health Care DDA Dr. Susan Lee Histotechnology Kaleena Ramirez |
Junior Year Michelle Ellis Medical Dosimetry Dr. Jamie Baker Medical Laboratory Science Karen Clatt Molecular Genetic Technology Annie Koenig Radiologic Sciences Dr. Kevin Clark Radiation Therapy Sandra John-Baptiste Recruiting Nghi Do-Ferreira Student Affairs Lauren Anderson |
Ex-Officio Members
Shibu Mathews
Policy & Procedures Subcommittee
Subcommittee of the AAC.
- Review and propose revision to SHP and institutional policies that affect faculty and student responsibilities.
- Determine the feasibility of creating and maintaining an Education Policy Library for SHP.
- Present recommendations and proposals to the chair of AAC for discussion and approval.
Chair Dr. Claudia Tamara
Members: Dr. Shaun Caldwell, Karen Clatt, Annie Koenig, Dr. Toysha Mayer, Dr. Vibhuti Srivastava
Ex-Officio: Ms. Amy Gentry, Mr. Tim Gonzalez, Dr. Rey Trevino, Dr. William Undie
Scholarship Subcommittee
Subcommittee of the AAC.
Responsible for coordinating scholarships awarded by the SHP using donor funds provided by the MD Anderson Development Office. Includes
- Calling for faculty/staff reviewers of applications.
- Evaluating applicants for eligibility.
- Reviewing the ranking and matches the candidate’s application with donor-specific criteria.
- Communicating the decision to the chair of AAC and the Dean.
- Notifying the scholarship recipients of the award.
Chair: Saleha Zafar
Members: Banan Abuharb, Iris Culwell, Anca Fumurescu, Chima Umunnabuike, Dr. Delores Whiteing
Ex-Officio: Dr. Peter Hu, Dr. Rey Trevino
SHP Events Planning Committee
To create and implement events throughout the year to unite, support and motivate the students, faculty, and staff in the School of Health Professions in effort to help reduce burn out and support wellness. One member from each program will sit on the committee for a term of one year. This committee will meet as needed to plan and coordinate events.
Chair: Dr. Delores Whiteing (Radiation Therapy)
Cytogenetic Technology Dr. Jun Gu Cytotechnology Banan Abuharb Diagnostic Genetics & Genomics Dr. Awdhesh Kalia Diagnostic Imaging Corliss Ramsey Diagnostic Imaging Alyssa Mora Diagnostic Medical Sonography Anca Fumurescu Health Care DDA Dr. Susan Lee |
Histotechnology Kaleena Ramirez Junior Year Mercy Chacko Medical Dosimetry Lori Simmons Medical Laboratory Science Chima Umunnabuike Molecular Genetic Technology Annie Koeing Radiologic Sciences Mary Gust Student Affiars Lauren Anderson |
Ex-Officio Members
Shibu Mathews
Student Award Subcommittee
Subcommittee of the AAC.
- Oversees all students’ academic and scholarship recognition awards.
- Notify students of all recognition for academic and leadership achievement.
- Coordinate the required application packets and notification for presentation and publication of all awards.
Chair: Lori Simmons
Members: Anthony Francois, Angela Langstaff, Alyssa Mora, Dr. Fangling Xu
Ex-Officio: Dr. Dyaz Godfrey, Dr. William Undie
Tutoring Subcommittee
Subcommittee of the AAC.
- Communicate with each program the resources that are available to students seeking tutorial assistance.
- Evaluate and present a plan and budget for the program.Review all applications for tutor selection.
- Evaluate benefits and challenges for hosting tutoring sessions face-to-face and online.
- Propose criteria for recommending tutoring services to students.
- Review consideration to have individual and group tutorial sessions.
Chair: Kaleena Ramirez
Members: Dr. Suzieann Bass, Dr. Mary Coolbaugh-Murphy, Michelle Ellis, Mary Gust
Ex-Officio: Dr. Dyaz Godfrey, Dr. William Undie
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