GME House Staff Senate
MD Anderson strives to maintain a standard of excellence in education. In addition to all the benefits that come with training at a world-renowned cancer center, MD Anderson offers multiple opportunities for trainees to explore various aspects of a medical field career, including leadership.
The House Staff Senate (HSS) is the self-governing and representative body of the Graduate Medical Education (GME) fellows and residents at MD Anderson. The HSS serves in accordance with the institutional requirements of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) to provide MD Anderson fellows and residents a platform to communicate, exchange ideas, and advise institutional leadership about trainee issues.
HSS represents more than 300 trainees across ACGME- and non-ACGME-accredited programs.
Its objectives include:
- Advise institutional leadership and the GMEC regarding matters pertinent to fellows and residents in GME training programs
- Advocate for the needs, interests, and well-being of the fellows and residents training at MD Anderson
- Ensure timely, transparent communication and dissemination of information among fellows/residents
- Foster an environment of curiosity and critical thinking which takes advantage of the research opportunities at MD Anderson
- Promote and support a welcoming educational environment for trainees across the institution
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Initiatives and Subcommittees
Trainees have many opportunities to engage in institutional subcommittees. HSS may have up to six standing subcommittees to carry out the business of the HSS. Subcommittees are determined by HSS officers prior to the first annual meeting. Trainees serving on institutional committees are also voting members of the HSS.
GME Curriculum Subcommittee
The chairperson of the GME Curriculum Subcommittee will serve as the trainee representative to the institutional GME Curriculum Subcommittee. The reports and recommendations of the GME Curriculum Subcommittee are presented for consideration and comment to the Executive Subcommittee on a regular basis. The Executive Subcommittee provides reports to the full GME Committee. At the discretion of the Executive Subcommittee, reports and recommendations are presented for consideration and comment of the full GME Committee. The members of the GME Curriculum Subcommittee advise on and monitor the following:
- Establishment and implementation of policies, procedures and programs that assure GME trainees' curriculum and evaluation system provides a regular review of the ethical, socioeconomic, medical/legal and cost-containment issues that affect Graduate Medical Education and medical practice
- Establishment and implementation of a curriculum and evaluation system that provides an appropriate introduction to communication skills and to research design, statistics and critical review of the literature necessary for acquiring skills for lifelong learning
- Establishment and implementation of a curriculum and evaluation system that provides for the development of and dependable measures to assess trainees' competence in patient care, medical knowledge, practice-based learning and improvement, interpersonal and communications skills, professionalism and systems-based practice
HSS Representatives: Megan Dupuis, Min-Jeong, Amber Gibson
GME Institutional Review Subcommittee
The chairperson of the HSS Institutional Review Subcommittee will serve as the trainee representative to the Institutional Review Subcommittee. The reports and recommendations of the Institutional Review Subcommittee are presented for consideration and comment to the Executive Subcommittee on a regular basis. The Executive Subcommittee provides reports to the full GME Committee. At the discretion of the Executive Subcommittee, reports and recommendations are presented for consideration and comment of the full GME Committee. It is the responsibility of the Institutional Review Subcommittee to discuss any proposed changes to the pertaining program in that these changes may positively or adversely affect the overall training goals and objectives of both the trainees and the institution. The members of the Institutional Review Subcommittee will advise on and monitor the following:
- Compliance of all residency training programs with institutional policies, the program requirements of the relevant Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education or other professional organization review committees, and federal, state and agency requirements
- New programs for their potential inclusion in the curriculum
- Establishment and implementation of policies and procedures for the program review process and reporting mechanisms, including recorded mechanisms to correct identified deficiencies
HSS Representatives: Jeremy Connors, Min-Jeong, Mary Beth Westerman
GME Wellness and Career Sustainability Subcommittee
This committee seeks to support career sustainability of physicians, identifying them as individuals and addressing their overall well-being as it relates to the learning and working environment. The efforts will be fostered within a culture of respect, safety, and collaborative support across ranks and specialties. A shared responsibility will be maintained between the institution and physicians in addressing and meeting the ACGME inventory items, maintaining physician wellness as a priority, and developing creative and healthy resources and processes.
HSS Representatives: Gohar Shahwar Manzar, Taiwo Adesoye, Maria Siddiqui
GME Budget Review Subcommittee
The reports and recommendations of the Budget Subcommittee are presented for consideration and comment to the Executive Subcommittee on a regular basis. The Executive Subcommittee provides reports to the full GME Committee. At the discretion of the Executive Subcommittee, reports and recommendations are presented for consideration and comment of the full GME Committee. The members of the Budget Subcommittee advise on and monitor the following:
- Stipend increases or decreases
- Review of trainee benefits
- Criteria for allocation or reallocation of positions in each program, including reduction or elimination of programs
HSS Representatives: Chidinma Anakwenze, Gohar Shahwar Manzar
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