Radiation Oncology Residency at MD Anderson
Radiation Oncology Medical Student Elective
Please contact us to express interest in our medical student elective rotation. We will provide you with the most recent information regarding elective opportunities in our department.
MD Anderson Cancer Center offers clinical rotations in Radiation Oncology to medical students
enrolled at accredited U.S. medical schools through McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston. We encourage students interested in pursuing radiation oncology as a career to inquire. The rotation offers the opportunity to interact with faculty and trainees within the Radiation Oncology division at one of the largest comprehensive cancer centers in the world.
Please note the following important points:
- Only students enrolled at an accredited U.S. medical school are eligible. Students enrolled at an international medical school are not eligible.
- Students must pre-apply in order to be considered for the rotation. Students should apply for the elective at least 90 days before the planned start of the rotation. Accepted students will complete a formal application through MD Anderson and VSLO (which opens in April).
- The clinical experience at MD Anderson usually takes place in the final year of medical school. Please inquire about your rotation dates before making plans by contacting the program administrator.
After review of your application, we will reach out. Upon acceptance, a minimum of 90 days is
required to process your application and requisite documents.
Students will rotate at the main MD Anderson campus.
How to Apply
Submit the following pre-application to RadOncUME@MDAnderson.org starting on November 1.
- Current curriculum vitae
- Student transcript: an unofficial, student-issued transcript is acceptable for application
- Personal statement
Pre-applications for the away elective in Radiation Oncology open on November 1. Pre-applications are reviewed as they are received, and early pre-applications are given priority. Please note that pre-applications submitted after March 1 will not be considered for the first (end-of-July) rotation.
Applicants should be aware that VSLO typically opens in late-April/early-May. If your pre-application is approved, you will need to apply through VSLO when it opens and you will also need to apply through MD Anderson (New Innovations). Instructions for New Innovations will be sent by the MD Anderson administrator upon approval of the pre-application.
Administrative Contacts
Meggan Miller
Education Program Coordinator
Denise De la Cruz, Ed.D.
Director of Education, Radiation Oncology
Applications will be reviewed (and selections confirmed) as they are received. Notifications will be
delivered thereafter.

Funding Opportunities
Oncology Visiting Medical Student Elective Rotation at MD Anderson are eligible to apply for a scholarship.
About the Program
University-based Hospital Elective
This rotation offers exposure to both the faculty and residents in radiation oncology at MD Anderson. The elective consists of four core weeks and is offered through our affiliate medical school, McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston.
The four-week rotation is divided into two, two-week periods during which the student will rotate on two clinical radiation oncology services at the main MD Anderson campus. Accepted students will be asked to submit their preferences for the following services within Radiation Oncology: Breast, Gastrointestinal, Central Nervous System/Pediatrics, Genitourinary, Gynecology, Head and Neck, Lymphoma, Melanoma and Sarcoma or Thoracic.
The major objectives of this rotation are to acquaint the student with the basic concepts and practice of radiotherapy. The primary emphasis is on issues that will be useful to any physician who may provide services to cancer patients. The curriculum includes:
- Basic principles of radiation physics, radiobiology, and radiation safety
- Clinical evaluation and staging of the patient with cancer
- The role of radiotherapy in the management of patients with cancer
- The importance of a multidisciplinary approach to cancer management
- The process by which treatment plans are generated from an understanding of tumor volume, normal tissue considerations and natural history of the disease
- Implementation and verification of radiotherapy treatment plans
Goals & Objectives
The goals of the medical student elective are to assure that our students are competent in patient care, medical knowledge, practice-based learning and improvement, interpersonal and communication skills, professionalism, and systems-based practice. The goals for each of these competencies are outlined for each clinical service rotation.
Student Responsibilities
- New patient consultsUnder treatment clinics
- Follow-up clinics
- Follow at least one new patient each week through simulation to start of treatment
- Attend daily planning clinic conference
- Attend pertinent multidisciplinary conferences throughout the rotation
- Give a brief presentation on a relevant radiation oncology topic, including a paper presentation
- Medical students are expected to work 40 to 50 hours a week and be available during standard working hours
Contact Information
For questions or more information, please contact:
Director, Medical Student Education
Jillian Gunther, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Radiation Oncology
Associate Director, Medical Student Education
Devarati Mitra, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Radiation Oncology
Program Administrator, Radiation Oncology Training & Education
Denise De La Cruz, Ed.D., M.Ed.
Phone: 832-305-1753
Email: ddlcruz@mdanderson.org
Our Labs
Learn more about our faculty and research taking place in our labs.
View conferences available for continuing education credit.