Residents, Fellows & Alumni
Mauricio Garrido, Ph.D.
Ph.D., 2010, Ohio University
M.S. Physics 2006, Ohio University
M.S. Medical Physics, 2023, University of Florida College of Medicine
Research Mentor: Brian A. Taylor, Ph.D.
Research Interests: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is often used as a tool to help researchers understand human cognition and behavior. This includes using functional MRI, a measurement of brain activity, and MR spectroscopy that can measure certain metabolites and neurotransmitters in the brain. In collaboration with the Department of Behavioral Science, we are using innovative MRI techniques to investigate brain function in nicotine addiction, which contributes to the increased incidence of cancer due to addictive tobacco use. The goal is to find imaging biomarkers to better understand the neurological mechanisms of addiction that will aid in tailoring treatments and identifying treatment response.
Mu-Lan Jen, Ph.D.
Ph.D., 2023, University of Wisconsin - Madison
M.S. 2019, University of Wisconsin - Madison
M.S. 2015, Chang Gung University, Taiwan
B.S., 2013, Chang Gung University, Taiwan
Research Mentor: Ho-Ling Anthony Liu, Ph.D.
Research Interests: Dr. Jen’s research interests are centered on advanced MR neuroimaging methods for understanding brain physiology and function and for evaluating neurological conditions. She joins the Liu lab and focuses on developing novel MRI techniques/tools and optimizing them for clinical applications in probing neuronal functions and microvascular environments. Specific techniques of interest include arterial spin labeling, dynamic contrast perfusion imaging, cerebrovascular reactivity mapping, task-correlated fMRI, and functional/structural connectomes.
Benjamin Lopez, Ph.D.
Ph.D., 2022, MD Anderson Cancer Center UTHealth Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
B.S., 2015, Rice University
Research Mentor: S. Cheenu Kappadath, Ph.D.
Research Interests: The Kappadath Lab focuses on improving quantification of radionuclide biodistribution in nuclear medicine and PET imaging and theranostic procedures to improve patient care. Recently, we have used Monte Carlo simulations to investigate Molecular Breast Imaging as a complementary quantitative imaging tool to mammography and ultrasound to better characterize breast cancer, to track disease progression, and to predict patient outcomes to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. As a Medical Physics Fellow, Dr. Lopez will work closely with breast imaging radiologists and technologists to investigate the clinical applications of quantitative Molecular Breast Imaging in patient care.
Humberto Monsivais, Ph.D.
Ph.D., 2024, Purdue University
M.S., 2021, Purdue University
B.S., 2015, Stephen F. Austin State University
Research Mentor: Brian A. Taylor, Ph.D.
Research Interests: Advanced neuroimaging tools can be used to gain a better understanding of the neurocircuitry and physiology of substance use disorders (SUDs), aiding in the development of targeted treatments for affected patients. In collaboration with the Department of Behavioral Science, our work employs a multi-parametric approach to explore the modeling of attentional bias and craving in nicotine users via structural, functional, and neurochemical measurements from MRI. My work will focus on assessing structural changes, like cortical thickness and grey matter volume, and understanding how neurotransmitters such as GABA and glutamate influence neuronal connectivity in SUDs. This research aims to shed light on the underlying neurobiology and support the development of more effective treatments.
Mahsa Servati, Ph.D.
Ph.D., 2024, Purdue University
M.Sc., 2020, Purdue University
M.Sc., 2018, Texas Tech University
B.Sc., 2015, Sharif University of Technology
Research Mentor: C. Chad Quarles, Ph.D.
Research Interests: The Quarles Lab focuses on a broad spectrum of imaging science, including biomarker discovery, image-based preclinical mechanistic studies, clinical therapy response assessment, multi-scale systems analysis, image-guided surgery and radiotherapy, advanced image analysis (e.g., radiogenomics, deep learning solutions), multi-modality prognostication (e.g., imaging and liquid biomarkers), PET/MRI, radiotracer development, and the development of acquisition and analysis tools for clinical integration.
Emily Thompson, Ph.D.
Ph.D., 2022, MD Anderson Cancer Center UTHealth Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
B.S., 2016, Texas A&M University
Research Mentor: Rick R. Layman, Ph.D.
Alumni & Publications

- Jun Hong, Ph.D.
- Peng Sun, Ph.D., Medical Physicist, Boston Children's Hospital
- Cayla Wood Zendbergen, Ph.D., Assistant Professor at the University of New Mexico Health Science Center
- Keith Michel, Ph.D., Senior Imaging Physicist, Houston Methodist, Houston, TX
- Jeremiah Sanders, Ph.D., Assistant Professor and Associate Consultant at Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ
- Drew Mitchell, Ph.D., Adjunct Faculty, Indiana University and Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret, Kenya, Africa
- Allan Thomas, Ph.D., Diagnostic Physicist, West County Radiological Group, St. Louis, MO
- Henry Szu-Meng Chen, Ph.D., ABR, Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology, University of Colorado
- Megan Jacobsen, Ph.D., ABR, Assistant Professor, MD Anderson
- Jorge Jimenez, Ph.D., MRI Image Reconstruction Engineer, Dr. Thomas Witzel, Radiomics Team Qbio Inc.
- Chris Walker, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Imaging Physics, MD Anderson Cancer Center
- Samuel A. Einstein, Ph.D., DABR, Physicist, Penn State College of Medicine
- Sam Fahrenholtz, Ph.D., Medical Physicist, Mayo Clinic, AZ
- Chris MacLellan, Ph.D., Medical Physicist, Beth Israel Deaconness Medical Center, NC
- Benton Pahlka, Ph.D., Texas Children's Hospital
- Diana Carver, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Vanderbilt University
- Hua Asher Ai, Ph.D., Medical Physicist, Rush University
- Steven Bache, M.S., Mission Health
- Guang Li, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Maryland, School of Medicine
- Cristina Dodge, M.S., Physicist, AdventHealth
- Leland Page, Ph.D., Medical & Radiation Physics, Inc.
- Nathan Busse, M.S., Diagnostic Medical Physicist, Colorado Associates in Medical Physics (CAMP)
- Shannon Fritz, Ph.D., Senior Physicist, Sutter Health
- Ching-Yi Hsieh, M.S., Research Associate, Wayne State University
- Travis Greene, M.S., Medical Physicist, Radiation Services, Inc.
- Wendy Siman, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus
- Andreea Dohatcu, Ph.D., Imaging Physicist, UT Medical Branch Galveston
- James Winslow, Ph.D., Medical Physicist, Duke University Medical Center
- Nicholas Shkumat, M.S., Medical Physicist, The Hospital for Sick Children
- Alexander Pasciak, Ph.D., Medical Student, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
- Philip Tchou, Ph.D., Diagnostic Medical Physicist, Wilford Hall Medical Center
- Rebecca Marsh, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Colorado School of Medicine
- Elena Tonkopi, M.S., Medical Physicist, Queen Elizabeth II Health Science Center
- S. Cheenu Kappadath, Ph.D., Associate Professor, MD Anderson
- Vadivel Devaraju, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi Medical Center
- Ruijie Liu, Ph.D., Instructor, MD Anderson
- Ho-Ling Liu, Ph.D., Professor, MD Anderson
- Ishtiaq Hussian Bercha, M.S., Medical Physicist, Children’s Hospital Colorado
- John Rong, Ph.D., Professor, MD Anderson
- Kerry Krugh, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Toledo Medical Center

Lin YM, Paolucci I, Albuquerque Marques Silva J, O’Connor CS, Hong J, et al. Ablative margin quantification using deformable versus rigid image registration in colorectal liver metastasis thermal ablation: a retrospective single-center study. Eur Radiol. 2024; 34(9):5541-5550
Sarina A. Piha-Paul, Chieh Tseng, Emily Thompson, R. Jason Stafford, Siqing Fu, Apostolia Tsimberidou, George Blumenschein, Daniel D. Karp, Jordi Rodon Ahnert, John M Slopis , David Hong, Aung Niang, Funda Meric-Bernstam, Anil Sood, Chaan Ng, Shannon Westin. Exploring the efficacy of bevacizumab and temsirolimus combination in advanced malignancy: A Phase I trial with focus on ovarian expansion. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) (Under Review)
Emily A. Thompson, Megan C. Jacobsen, Cayla A. Wood, Myrna C.B. Godoy, Rick R. Layman. Phantom and Technique Selection for Quality Control of Opportunistic Multi-energy CT Bone Mineral Density Quantification; Medical Physics (Under Review)
Lopez BP, Kappadath SC. 90Y SIR-Spheres activity measurement with new SIROS D-Vial delivery kit. JNMT (2024) [Accepted].
Kappadath SC, Henry EC, Lopez BP, Mahvash A. Quantitative evaluation of PET/CT and SPECT/CT-based dosimetry following Yttrium-90 radioembolization. Med Phys (2024) Online ahead of print. DOI: 10.1002/mp.17175.
Henry EC, Mahvash A, Lopez BP, Kappadath SC. A comparison of methods for in vivo activity and absorbed dose quantification in PET/CT following Yttrium-90 radioembolization. Med Phys (2024) Online ahead of print. DOI: 10.1002/mp.17174.
Teo JM, Kumar VA, Lee J, Eldaya RW, Hou P, Jen ML, Noll KR, Wei P, Ferguson SD, Prabhu SS, Wintermark M, and Liu HL. Probabilistic Presurgical Language Functional MRI Atlas of Brain Tumor Patients. AJNR (2024) [Accepted].
Heston MB, Gaitan JM, Ma Y, Oh J, Jen ML, Johnson KM, Kozuch M, Derynda B, Lose S, Davenport-Sis N, Kuo WC, Cobra PF, Fathi F, Markley JL, Brown RL, Chin NA, Okonkwo OC, Gretebeck KA, Gretebeck RJ, Bendlin BB. Exercise and carbohydrate restriction improve cerebral blood flow: results from the Blood Flow Improvement Trial. (In preparation)
Sun P., Thomas M.A., Luo D., Pan T., New full-counts phase-matched data-driven gated (DDG) PET/CT, Medical Physics, 2023 (Under Review)
Sun P., Thomas M.A., Luo D., Pan T., Correcting CT misregistration in data-driven gated (DDG) PET with PET self-gating and deformable image registration, Medical Physics, 2023 (Under Review)
Ahmad M., Sun P., Peterson C.B., Anderson M., Liu X., Morani A.C., Low Pitch Significantly Reduces Helical Artifacts in Abdominal CT, European Journal of Radiology, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2023.110977
Emily Thompson, Natalie Fowlkes, Megan Jacobsen, Rick R. Layman, Erik Cressman, “Quantitative Dual-Energy Computed Tomography Image Guidance for Thermochemical Ablation: in vivo Results in the Rabbit VX2 Model,” Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, 2022; S1051-0443(22)01423-3.
Thompson EA, Jacobsen MC, Fuentes DT, Layman RR, Cressman ENK. Quantitative dual‐energy computed tomography with cesium as a novel contrast agent for localization of thermochemical ablation in phantoms and ex vivo models. Medical Physics. Published online July 6, 2023:mp.16558. doi:10.1002/mp.16558
Hong J, Snoddy E, Jones A K, et al. Evaluating the feasibility of using reduced scan length for non-contrast CT during image-guided liver ablations. Proc. SPIE 12463, 1246349, 2023.
Mitchell D, Buszek SM, Tran B, Farhat M, Goldman J, Erikson L, Curl B, Suki D, Ferguson S, Liu HL, Kundu S, and Chung C. Managing the effect of magnetic resonance imaging pulse sequence on radiomic feature reproducibility in the study of brain metastases. F1000Research Oncology Gateway. Accepted, 2022.
Mitchell D, Buszek SM, Farhat M, Goldman J, Erikson L, Tran B, Liu HL, Ferguson S, Chung C. A Comparison of Radiomic Feature Variability in Different MR Pulse Sequences in Brain Metastases. 2022
Prashant JK, Walker C, Mitchell D, Oden JT, Schellingerhout D, Bankson JA, and Fuentes DT. Mutual-Information Based Optimal Experimental Design for Hyperpolarized 13C-Pyruvate MRI. MRM. Submitted 2022.
Mitchell D, Tran B, Buszek SM, Liu HL, and Chung C. Using Radiomic Study Design Recommendations to Optimize Classification Performance in Brain Metastases. Submitted to Med Phys, 2022.
Sanders JW, Kudchadker RJ, Tang C, Mok H, Venkatesan AM, Thames HD, Frank SJ. Autosegmentation in the clinic: evaluating custom automatic segmentation software for MRI-based prostate radiotherapy. Submitted to Radiology: Artificial Intelligence
Sanders JW, Kudchadker RJ, Tang C, Mok H, Venkatesan AM, Thames HD, Frank SJ. Prospective Evaluation of Prostate and Organs at Risk Segmentation Software for MRI-based Prostate Radiation Therapy. Radiol Artif Intell. 2022;4(2):e210151.
Thomas M.A., Meier J., Mawlawi O., Sun P., Pan T., Impact of Acquisition Time and Misregistration with CT on Data-Driven Gated PET, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2022, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6560/ac5f73
Hasegawa A, Ishihara T, Thomas MA, Pan T. Noise Reduction Profile: A New Method for Evaluation of Noise Reduction Techniques in CT. Med. Phys. Under review.
Thomas MA, Ahmad M, Jacobsen MC, Wagner-Bartak N, Jensen C, Liu X, Layman RR. Comparing Single-Source and Dual-Source CT for Abdomen and Pelvis Imaging of Obese Patients. Am. J. Roentgenol. In preparation.
Thomas MA, Jacobsen MC, Layman RR, Ahmad M. Global Noise Analysis of Single and Dual Source CT for Obese Patients. Med. Phys. In preparation.
Pan T, Thomas MA, and Luo D. Data-Driven Gated (DDG) CT: An Automated Respiratory Gating Method to Enable DDG PET/CT. Med. Phys. 2022. 49: 3597-3611.
Thomas MA, Jimenez JE, Fahrenholtz SJ, Hamdani K, Erwin WD. Understanding entrance-air-kerma as a quality-control metric for dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2022.
Xu Z, Michel KA, Walker CM, Harlan CJ, Martinez GV, Gordon JW, Chen HY, Vigneron DB, Bankson JA. Model-constrained reconstruction accelerated with Fourier-based undersampling for hyperpolarized [1-13 C] pyruvate imaging. Magn Reson Med. 2022 Dec 5. doi: 10.1002/mrm.29551.
Thomas MA, Jimenez JE, Fahrenholtz SJ, Hamdani K, Erwin WD. Understanding entrance-air-kerma as a quality-control metric for dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2022.
Perez JD*, Jacobsen MC*, Damasco J, Melancon A, Huang SY, Layman RR, Melancon MP. Optimization of the differentiation and quantification of high Z nanoparticles incorporated in medical devices for CT-guided interventions. Medical Physics. 2021. 48(1): 300-312. *Joint first authorship
Ahmad M, Jacobsen MC, Thomas MA, Chen HS, Layman RR, Jones AK. A benchmark for automatic noise measurement in clinical computed tomography. Medical Physics. 2021. 48(2): 640-647.
Jacobsen, MC, Le Roux LG, Schellingerhout D. Dual-Energy CT of the brain, head and neck. ARRS 2021 Categorical Course Book Chapter. American Roentgen Ray Society. Leesburg, VA, 2021.
Schellingerhout D*, Jacobsen MC*, Le Roux L, Johnson J, Baladandayuthapani V, Hwang KP, Hazle J, Schomer D, Cody DD. The Calcium vs Hemorrhage Trial: Developing diagnostic criteria for chronic intracranial susceptibility lesions using single energy CT, dual energy CT, and quantitative susceptibility mapping. Investigative Radiology. 2021. 56(6): 385-393. *Joint first authorship.
Vlahos I, Jacobsen MC, Godoy MC, Stefanidis K, Layman RR. Dual Energy CT in Pulmonary Vascular Disease. Brit J Radiol. 2021. Accepted with minor revisions July 6, 2021.
Michel K, Mukundan R, Walker C, Merritt M, Lai S, Bankson J. Comparison of selective excitation and multi-echo chemical shift encoding for imaging of hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. J Magn Reson. 2021 Apr;325:106927.
Zakaria R, Radon M, Mills S, Mitchell D, Chung C, Jenkinson MD. The Role of the immune response in brain metastases: Novel imaging biomarkers for immunotherapy. Front Oncol 2021 Oct 26;11:711405
Sanders JW, Mok H, Hanania AN, Venkatesan AM, Tang C, Bruno TL, Thames HD, Kudchadker RJ, Frank SJ. Computer-aided segmentation on MRI for prostate radiotherapy: Part I – quantifying human interobserver variability of the prostate and organs at risk. Submitted to Radiology
Sanders JW, Mok H, Hanania AN, Venkatesan AM, Tang C, Bruno TL, Thames HD, Kudchadker RJ, Frank SJ. Computer-aided segmentation on MRI for prostate radiotherapy: Part II – comparing human and computer observer populations, and implications for clinical use of automatic segmentation algorithms. Submitted to Radiology
Pan T, Lu Y, Thomas MA, Liao ZX, Luo D. A New Data-Driven Gated PET/CT Free of Misregistration Artifacts. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 2021. 109: 1638-1646.
Hasegawa A, Ishihara T, Thomas MA, Pan T. Technical Note: Scanner Dependence of Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction with 3D Noise Power Spectrum Central Frequency and Noise Magnitude Ratios. Med. Phys. 2021. Accepted for publication, in press.
Thomas MA, Pan T. Data Driven Gated PET/CT: Implications for Lesion Segmentation and Quantitation. EJNMMI Phys. 2021. 8: 64.
Yunyun Chen, Anastasios Maniakas, Lin Tan, Meng Cui, Xiangdong Le, Joshua S Niedzielski, Keith A Michel, Collin J Harlan, Wuhao Lu, Ying C Henderson, Abdallah SR Mohamed, Philip L Lorenzi, Nagireddy Putluri, James A Bankson, Vlad C Sandulache, Stephen Y Lai. Development of a rational strategy for integration of lactate dehydrogenase A suppression into therapeutic algorithms for head and neck cancer. British Journal of Cancer, May 2021
Jorge E. PhD*; Dai, Dong MD, PhD†; Xu, Guofan MD, PhD†; Zhao, Ruiyang BS‡; Li, Tengfei PhD§; Pan, Tinsu PhD*; Wang, Linghua PhD∥; Lin, Yingyan PhD‡; Wang, Zhangyang PhD¶; Jaffray, David PhD*; Hazle, John D. PhD*; Macapinlac, Homer A. MD†; Wu, Jia PhD*; Lu, Yang MD, PhD† Lesion-Based Radiomics Signature in Pretherapy 18F-FDG PET Predicts Treatment Response to Ibrutinib in Lymphoma, Clinical Nuclear Medicine: January 11, 2022 - Volume - Issue - doi: 10.1097/RLU.0000000000004060
Harlan CJ, Xu Z, Walker CM, Michel KA, Reed GD, Bankson JA. The effect of transmit B1 inhomogeneity on hyperpolarized [1-13 C]-pyruvate metabolic MR imaging biomarkers.
Med Phys. 2021 Sep;48(9):4900-4908. doi: 10.1002/mp.15107."
Jacobsen, MC, Thrower SL, Ger R, Leng S, Court LE, Brock KK, Tamm EP, Cressman ENK, Cody DD, Layman RR. Multi-Energy Computed Tomography and Material Quantification: Current Barriers and Opportunities for Advancement. Med Phys. 2020;47(8):3752-3771.
Fuentes D, Thompson E, Jacobsen MC, Crouch AC, Layman RR, Riviere B, Cressman E. Imaging-based characterization of convective tissue properties. International Journal of Hypothermia. 2020. 37(3):155-163.
Huang S, Damasco, J, Tian L, Lu L, Perez JV, Dixon K, Williams M, Jacobsen M, Dria S, Eggers M, Melancon A, Layman R, Whitley E, Melancon M. In vivo performance of gold nanoparticle-loaded absorbable inferior vena cava filters in a swine model. Biomaterials Science. 2020. 8:3966-3978.
Le Roux L, Qiu X, Jacobsen M, Pagel M, Gammon S, Piwnica-Worms D, Schellingerhout D. Axonal transport as an in vivo biomarker for retinal neuropathy. Cells. 2020. 9(5):1298.
Javadi S, Elsherif S, Bhosale P, Jensen CT, Layman RR, Jacobsen MC, Le O, Sun J, Parikh RJ, Tamm EP. Quantitative attenuation accuracy of virtual non-enhanced imaging compared to that of true non-enhanced imaging on dual-source dual-energy CT. Abdominal Radiology. 2020. 45(4):1100-1109.
Xu Z, Niedzielski J, Sun C, Walker C, Michel K, Einstein S, Martinez G, Bankson JA. Correction and optimization of symmetric echo-planar spectroscopic imaging for hyperpolarized [1-13C]-pyruvate. J Magn Reson. 2020 Dec;321:106859.
Frank S, Mourtada F, Crook J, Orio P, Stock R, Petereit D, Rossi P, Cox B, Tang C, Kudchadker RJ, Bruno T, Ma J, Sanders J, Keyes M. The ABS Prostate Brachytherapy LDR/HDR Simulation Workshops: Hands-on Training the Procedural Steps in the Process of Quality Assurance, Brachytherapy 2020;19(6):787-793.
Mesko S, Chapman B, Tang C, Kudchadker R, Bruno T, Sanders J, Das P, Pinnix C, Thaker N, Frank S. Development, implementation, and outcomes of a simulation-based medical education (SBME) prostate brachytherapy workshop for radiation oncology residents, Brachytherapy 2020;19(6):738-745.
Thomas MA, Mahvash A, Abdelsalam M, Kaseb AO, Kappadath SC. Planning Dosimetry for 90Y Radioembolization with Glass Microspheres: Evaluating the Fidelity of 99mTc-MAA and Partition Model Predictions. Med. Phys. 2020. 47: 5333-5342.
Hsu, A‐L, Chen, HS‐M, Hou, P, et al. Presurgical resting‐state functional MRI language mapping with seed selection guided by regional homogeneity. Magn Reson Med. 2020; 84: 375– 383.
Einstein SA*, Thompson EA*, Guo C, Whitley EM, Bankson JA, and Cressman ENK. “Application of trifluoroacetic acid as a theranostic agent for chemical ablation of solid tissue.” Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology 31.1 (2020): 169-175.
Einstein SA, Rong XJ, Jensen CT, and Liu X. “Quantification and homogenization of image noise between two CT scanner models.” Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 21.1 (2020): 174-178.
Slice profile effects on quantitative analysis of hyperpolarized pyruvate. NMR in Biomedicine. 2020 Oct. Christopher M. Walker, Jeremy W. Gordon, Zhan Xu, Keith A. Michel, Liang Li, Peder E.Z. Larson, Daniel B. Vigneron, James A. Bankson
Mitchell DP, Hwang KP, Bankson JA, Stafford RJ, Banerjee S, Takei N, Fuentes DT. An Information Theory Model for Optimizing Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Acquisitions. Phys Med Biol, Nov 2020.
J Sanders, H Chen, J Johnson, D Schomer, J Jimenez, J Ma, H Liu. Synthetic generation of DSC-MRI derived rCBV maps from DCE-MRI of brain tumors, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Magn Reson Med 2020;85(1):469-479
Thomas, MA, Fu, Y, and Yang, D. Development and Evaluation of Machine Learning Models for Voxel Dose Predictions in Online Adaptive Magnetic Resonance Guided Radiation Therapy. J. Appl. Clin. Med. Phys. July
Noll KR, Chen HS, Wefel JS, Kumar VA, Hou P, Ferguson SD, Rao G, Johnson JM, Schomer DF, Suki D, Prabhu SS, Liu H. Alterations in functional connectomics associated with neurocognitive changes following glioma resection. Neurosurgey, in press
Harlan CJ, Xu Z, Michel KA, Walker CM, Lokugama SD, Martinez GV, Pagel MD, Bankson JA. Technical Note: A deuterated 13 C-urea reference for clinical multiparametric MRI prostate cancer studies including hyperpolarized pyruvate. Med Phys. 2020 Jul;47(7):2931-2936. doi: 10.1002/mp.14179.
Jacobsen MC, Cressman ENK, Tamm EP, Baluya DL, Duan X, Cody DD, Schellingerhout D, Layman RR. Dual-Energy CT: Lower limits of iodine detection and quantification. Radiology. 2019. 292(2):414-419.
Thomas MA, Jacobsen MC, Jensen C, Wagner-Bartak N, Ahmad M, and Layman RR. Assessment of Dual-Source CT with Enhanced Radiation Output for Imaging of Obese Patients. Am. J. Roentgenol. To be submitted by end of residency.
Bader, D.A., Hartig, S.M., Putluri, V., Foley, C., Hamilton, M.P., Smith, E.A., Saha, P.K., Panigrahi, A., Walker, C., Zong, L., Martini-Stoica, H., Chen, R., Rajapakshe, K., Coarfa, C., Sreekumar, A., Mitsiades, N., Bankson, J.A., Ittmann, M.M., O’Malley, B.W., Putluri, N. & McGuire, S.E. Mitochondrial pyruvate import is a metabolic vulnerability in androgen receptor-driven prostate cancer. Nature Metabolism 1, 70-85 (2019).
Einstein SA and Stafford RJ. “The Role of the Medical Physicist in MR Safety.” Journal of the American College of Radiology 16.6 (2019): 838-839.
Fahrenholtz SJ, Guo C, MacLellan CJ, Yung JP, Hwang KP, Layman RR, Stafford RJ, Cressman E. “Temperature mapping of exothermic in situ chemistry: imaging of thermoembolization via MR.” International Journal of Hyperthermia. 2019.
Kennis BA, Brugmann WB, Laureano A, Tao RH, Somanchi SS, Einstein SA, Bravo-Alegria JB, Maegawa S, Wabha A, Kiany S, Gordon N, Silla L, Schellingerhout D, Khatua S, Zaky W, Sandberg D, Cooper L, Lee DA, Bankson JA, and Gopalakrishnan V. “Monitoring of Intracerebellarly-Administered Natural Killer Cells with Fluorine-19 MRI.” Journal of Neuro-Oncology 142.3 (2019): 395-407.
MacLellan CJ, Layman, RR, Geiser, W, Gress DA, & Jones AK, "Evaluation of an Automated Grid Artifact Detection System for Quality Control in Digital Mammography" Medical Physics, 46:3442-3450 (2019)
Meier JG, Einstein SA, and Mawlawi OR. “Impact of Error in PET/CT Quantitation Resulting from Free-Breathing Helical CT for Attenuation Correction of Quiescent Phase-Gated Images.” Physics in Medicine and Biology 64.10 (2019): 105013.
Meier JG, Wu CC, Betancourt Cuellar SL, Truong MT, Erasmus JJ, Einstein SA, and Mawlawi OR. “Evaluation of a Novel Elastic Respiratory Motion Correction Algorithm on Quantification and Image Quality in Abdomino-Thoracic PET/CT.” Journal of Nuclear Medicine 60.2 (2019): 279-284.
Michel, K.A., Zielinski, R., Walker, C.M., Le Roux, L., Priebe, W., Bankson, J.A. & Schellingerhout, D. Hyperpolarized Pyruvate MR Spectroscopy Depicts Glycolytic Inhibition in a Mouse Model of Glioma. Radiology 293, 168-173 (2019).
Pan T, Einstein SA, Grogg KS, Kinahan PE, Lois C, Johnson KA, El Fakhri G, and Mawlawi OR. “Performance Evaluation of a Next-Generation Silicon-Photomultiplier–Based PET/CT System with Extended Axial Field-of-View.” Medical Physics 46.7 (2019): 3025-3033.
Sanders JW, Fletcher JR, Frank SJ, Liu HL, Johnson JM, Zhou Z, Chen HS, Venkatesan AM, Kudchadker RJ, Pagel MD, Ma J. Deep learning application engine (DLAE): Development and integration of deep learning algorithms in medical imaging. SoftwareX. 2019 Jul 1;10:100347.
Walker, C.M., Fuentes, D., Larson, P.E.Z., Kundra, V., Vigneron, D.B. & Bankson, J.A. Effects of excitation angle strategy on quantitative analysis of hyperpolarized pyruvate. Magn Reson Med 81, 3754-3762 (2019).
Thomas MA, Jimenez JE, Fahrenholtz SA, Hamdani KA, and Erwin WD. Understanding Entrance-Air-Kerma as a Quality Control Metric for Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry. J. Appl. Clin. Med. Phys.
Sun CY, Walker CM, Michel KA, Venkatesan AM, Lai SY, Bankson JA. Influence of parameter accuracy on pharmacokinetic analysis of hyperpolarized pyruvate. Magn Reson Med 2018; 79: 3239-3248
SJ Fahrenholtz, C Guo, CJ MacLellan, J Yung, K Hwang, RJ Stafford, E Cressman Tracking Thermoembolization Via Multiparametric MRI - AAPM 2017.
Li G, Liu X, Dodge C, Jensen C, Rong J. How Iterative Reconstruction Algorithms Affect the NPS of CT Images. Presentation MO-FG-204-4 American Association of Physicists in Medicine 56th Annual Meeting in Anaheim, CA. July 13, 2015.
Li G, Greene T, Nishino T, Willis C. Comparison of AAPM TG150 Draft Image Receptor Tests with Vendor Automated QC Tests for Five Mobile DR Units. Presentation SU-D-204-7 American Association of Physicists in Medicine 56th Annual Meeting in Anaheim, CA. July 12, 2015.
Bache S, Loyer E, Stauduhar P, Liu X, Rong J. A Comprehensive Investigation of Noise Variations Between the GE Discovery CT50 HD and GE LightSpeed VCT. Poster Discussion SU-E-I-22 American Association of Physicists in Medicine 56th Annual Meeting in Anaheim, CA. July 12, 2015.
Fritz S and Jones AK. Guidelines for anti-scatter grid use in pediatric digital radiography. Pediatric Radiology 44(3), 313-21 (2014).
Greene T and Rong X. Evaluation of Techniques for Slice Sensitivity Profile Measurement and Analysis. J Applied Clin Med Phys, Vol. 15, No 2 (2014).
Hsieh C, Gladish G, Willis C. Evaluation of a commercial cardiac motion phantom for dual-energy chest radiography. J Applied Clin Med Phys, Vol. 15, No 2 (2014).
Page L, Dodge C, Li G and Wendt R. Measurement of Exposure to Personnel Performing Shielding Evaluations. Poster Southwest Regional Chapter of American Association of Physicists in Medicine in San Antonio, TX April 2014.
Dodge C and Gress D. Improving the efficiency of CTDIw annual measurements with established 16 cm:32 cm phantom ratios. Poster Southwest Regional Chapter of American Association of Physicists in Medicine in San Antonio, TX April 2014.
Busse N, Erwin W and Pan T. Evaluation of a semiautomated lung mass calculation technique for internal dosimetry applications Med. Phys, Vol. 40, 122503 (2013).
Dodge C and Rong J. CT Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction: How Much Dose Can We Save? Presentation TU-C-103-9 American Association of Physicists in Medicine 55th Annual Meeting in Indiana, ID. August 6, 2013.
Juneja V, Busse N and Jones A. A Methodology to Estimate Radiation Dose Reported On a Personal Radiation Monitor. Presentation TU-A-116-8 American Association of Physicists in Medicine 55th Annual Meeting in Indiana, ID. August 6, 2013.
Busse N, Page L, Hou P and Reeve D. Effects of Normalization, Filtration, and Distortion Correction Options On MRI ACR Phantom Images. Poster SU-E-I-67 American Association of Physicists in Medicine 55th Annual Meeting in Indiana, ID. August 4, 2013.
Page L, Kundra V and Rong J. Investigation of Rental CT Dose Reduction by Using Model Based Iterative Reconstruction. Poster SU-E-I-36 American Association of Physicists in Medicine 55th Annual Meeting in Indiana, ID. August 4, 2013.
Page, L, Tomakin, G., Jones A., Impact of Protocol Change in the Cardiac Cath Lab. Poster PO-BPC-10, American Association of Physicists in Medicine Spring Clinical Meeting in Phoenix, AZ, March 16, 2013.
Siman W and Kappadath SC. Performance characteristics of a new pixelated portable gamma camera. Med. Phys. 39(6), 3435-3444 (2012).
Hsieh C, Stafford J and Reeve D. Phase Imaging Measurement of Static Magnetic Field Homogeneity. Presentation WE-G-217A-9 American Association of Physicists in Medicine 54th Annual Meeting in Charlotte, NC. August 1, 2012.
Busse N, Erwin W, and Pan T. Evaluation of a CT-Based, Semi-Automated Lung Mass Estimation Method Under Varying Acquisition Conditions. Presentation SU-C-218-6. American Association of Physicists in Medicine 54th Annual Meeting in Charlotte, NC. July 29, 2012.
Green T, Nishino T, and Willis CE. Independent Implementation of AAPM TG-150 Draft Image Receptor Test Recommendations. Poster SU-E-I-102. American Association of Physicists in Medicine 54th Annual Meeting in Charlotte, NC. July 29, 2012.
Fritz S and Jones A. Quantifying patient thickness for which an anti-scatter grid is unnecessary for digital radiographic abdomen exams. Presentation TU-A-218-7. American Association of Physicists in Medicine 54th Annual Meeting in Charlotte, NC. July 31, 2012.
Rong X and Greene T. Evaluation of Techniques for Slice Sensitivity Profile Measurement and Analysis. Young Investigator Clinical Symposium. 2012 AAPM Spring Clinical Meeting, Dallas, TX. March 19, 2012.
Hsieh C and Willis C. Evaluation of Commercial Cardiac Motion Phantom for Dual Energy Chest Radiology. Young Investigator Clinical Symposium. 2012 AAPM
Spring Clinical Meeting, Dallas, TX. March 19, 2012.
Pasciak A and Jones AK. Does "spreading" skin dose by rotating the C-arm during an intervention work? J Vasc Interv Radiol. 22(4), 443-52; quiz 453 (2011).
Shkumat NA, Springer A, Walker CM, Rohren EM, Yang WT, Adrada BA, Arribas E, Carkaci S, Chuang HH, Santiago L, and Mawlawi OR. Investigating the limit of detectability of a positron emission mammography device: A phantom study. Med. Phys. 38, 5176-5185 (2011).
Siman W. Performance characteristics of a new pixelated portable gamma camera. J Nucl Med. 52 (Supplement 1):324 (2011).
Winslow J and Kappadath S. Image Quality and Patient Dose Dependence on CT Scan Parameters for ATCM (CareDose4D). Poster SU‐E‐I‐14. Joint AAPM/COMP Meeting in Vancouver, BC. Med Phys 38, 3398 (2011).
Walker C, Springer A, Shkumat N, and Mawlawi O. Variation in Lesion Detectability of a Positron Emission Mammography (PEM) System as a Function of Breast Thickness. Poster SU‐E‐I‐183. Joint AAPM/COMP Meeting in Vancouver, BC. Med Phys 38, 3438 (2011).
Greene T, Stafford R, and Reeve D. Automated Analysis of MRI Radio Frequency Coil Performance. Poster SU‐E‐I‐120. Joint AAPM/COMP Meeting in Vancouver, BC. Med Phys 38, 3423 (2011).
Hsieh C, Cheng Y, Stafford R, and Haacke E. Quantifying Magnetic Susceptibility of veneous blood by the Complex Sum Method in MRI. Presentation MO-F-211-7. Joint AAPM/COMP Meeting in Vancouver, BC. Med Phys 38, 3731 (2011).
Siman W, Kappadath SC, Rong, J. Weekly Exposure Contributions from Radioactive Patients in A Busy Comprehensive Imaging Center. Poster SU‐E‐I‐64. Joint AAPM/COMP Meeting in Vancouver, BC. Med Phys 38, 3410 (2011).
Kappadath SC and Siman W. Performance Evaluation of a New Commercially Available Portable Pixelated Gamma Camera for 99mTc‐Scintimammography. Poster SU‐E‐I‐151. Joint AAPM/COMP Meeting in Vancouver, BC. Med Phys 38, 3431 (2011).
Hsieh C, Cheng N, Stafford RJ and Haacke EM. The Complex Sum Method for quantifying magnetic susceptibility and moments of venous blood in MRI. SWAAPM Meeting. Dallas, TX 2011.
Tchou PM, Haygood TM, Atkinson EN, Stephens TW, Davis PL, Arribas EM, Geiser WR, and Whitman GJ. Interpretation time of computer-aided detection at screening mammography. Radiology. 257(1), 40-46 (2010).
Dohatcu A, Ionita C, Sherman J, Bednarek D, Hoffmann K, Rudin S. Parameterization of Time-Density Curves (TDC) and Regional-TDCs to Quantify Flow Modification Inside Aneurysms Treated with Flow-Modifying Devices (FMD) Following Endovascular Image-Guided Interventions. Presentation SU-GG-I-183. American Association of Physicists in Medicine 52nd Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. Med Phys 37, 3143 (2010).
Dohatcu A, Bednarek A. A Method to Evaluate the Effect of Automatic Brightness Control Tracking On Image Quality and Patient Dose for Interventional Fluoroscopic Systems. Presentation MO-E-204B-9. American Association of Physicists in Medicine 52nd Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. Med Phys 37, 3360 (2010).
Pasciak A and Jones AK. Nondestructive measurement of the grid ratio using a single image. Med. Phys. 36, 4720 (2009).
Pasciak A, Erwin WD. Effect of voxel size and computation method on Tc-99m MAA SPECT/CT-based dose estimation for Y-90 microsphere therapy. Trans Med Imaging. 28(11), 1754-8 (2009).
Pasciak A and Wang J. Assessment of Inter and Intra‐Scanner Variation in Diffusion Tensor Imaging Using the ACR Phantom. Poster SU‐FF‐I‐125. American Association of Physicists in Medicine 51st Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA. Med Phys 36, 2463 (2009).
Pasciak A and Jones A. Non-Destructive Grid Ratio Measurement. Poster SU-FF-I-161. American Association of Physicists in Medicine 51st Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA. Med Phys 36, 2472, (2009).
Tonkopi E, Chi PM, Mawlawi O, Riegel AC, Rohren EM, Macapinlac HA and Pan T. Average CT in colorectal cancer PET studies. Poster SU-GG-II-136, American Association of Physicists in Medicine 50th Annual Meeting, Houston, TX. Med Phys 35(6):2673 (2008).
Willis C, Marsh R, Polman R, Shepard S. Discrepancies in Exposure Conditions for the EZ CR-DIN Phantom. Poster SU-GG-I-75, American Association of Physicists in Medicine 50th Annual Meeting, Houston, TX. Med Phys 35(6): 2659, (2008).
Marsh R, Stafford R, and Reeve D. Potential Sources of Variation in Quantitative Ultrasound Quality Control Measurements. Poster SU-GG-I-156, American Association of Physicists in Medicine 50th Annual Meeting, Houston, TX. Med Phys 35(6): 2677, (2008).
Kappadath SC, Pan T, Erwin WD, Mawlawi O. Analysis of the dependence of PET/CT quantification on iterative reconstruction parameters. IEEE Medical Imaging Conference M26-220 (2007).
Kappadath S, Erwin WD, and Wendt RE. A novel method to evaluate gamma camera rotational uniformity and sensitivity variation. J Nucl Med 48(5 Suppl 2):162P, (2007).
Tonkopi E, Mawlawi O, Chi PM, Yeung H, Macapinlac HA and Pan T. Effect of average CT on quantifying PET images of colorectal cancer metastasis in
the liver, Supplement to the Journal of Nuclear Medicine, Abstract Book, V 48, p. 411P, (2007).
Tonkopi E, Mawlawi O, Chi PM, Yeung H, Macapinlac HA and Pan T. Effect of average CT on quantifying PET imaging in esophageal cancer, Poster
SU-FF-I-99. American Association of Physicists in Medicine 49th Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. Med Phys 34:2361(2007).
Liu RR, Erwin WD. Automatic estimation of detector radial position for contoured SPECT acquisition using CT images on a SPECT/CT system. Med Phys 33(8):2800-8, (2006).
Kappadath SC, Erwin WD, Wendt RE. Observed intercamera variability in clinically relevant performance characteristics for Siemens Symbia gamma cameras. J Applied Clin Med Phys 7(4):74-80 (2006).
Devaraju, V and Willis, C. Variation in Dual-Energy Chest Radiography Among Systems Using Identical Digital Flat Panel Detectors. Moderated Poster TU-FF-A4-6 American Association of Physicists in Medicine 48th Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. Med Phys 33(6):2223, (2006).
Kappadath S, Erwin W, Wendt R III. Observed inter-camera variablity of clinically relevant performance characteristics for Siemens Symbia Gamma cameras. Poster SU-FF-I-76. American Association of Physicists in Medicine 48th Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. Med Phys 33(6):2014, (2006).
Erwin W, Kappadath S, Devaraju V, and Wendt R. Performance characterization of a new SPECT-CT scanner for imaging Tc-99m and In-111. J Nucl Med 47(5 Suppl 1):405, (2006).
Liu HL, Liu RR, Reeve DM, Shepard SJ, Willis CE. Measurement of CT radiation profile width using CR imaging plates. Med Phys 32(9):2881-2887 (2005).
Erwin WD, Liu RR. An automated, CT image-based algorithm for non-circular orbit (NCO) SPECT detector radial position estimation on a SPECT-CT imaging system. Poster SNM Annual Meeting. J Nucl Med 46(5 Suppl 2):465P, (2005).
Liu RR and Erwin WD. 3D Cone-beam ROI CT Image Reconstruction Using an Angiography C-arm Unit. Oral presentation. SWAAPM, San Antonio, TX, 2005.
Klein E, Clark B, Lane R, Mihailidis D, Krugh K, Esthappan J, Educational Council Symposium on Residency Programs” American Association of Physicists in Medicine 47th Annual Meeting Seattle, WA. Med Phys 32(6):1888-1889 (2005).
Cody DD, Moxley DM, Krugh KT, O’Daniel JC, Wagner LK, Eftekhari F. Strategies for formulating appropriate MDCT techniques when imaging the chest, abdomen, and pelvis in pediatric patients. AJR 182:849-859 (2004).
Liu HL. Department of Imaging Physics, U.T. M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA. Effects of Pre-patient Filtration on Contrast, Scatter and Dose in CR Chest Exams: A Phantom Study. Oct. 21, 2004.
Liu R, Erwin W. CT-based Estimation of SPECT Radial Position on a Hybrid SPECT-CT Imaging System. TH-C-315-06. American Association of Physicists in Medicine 46th Annual Meeting Pittsburgh, PA. Med Phys 31(6):1840 (2004).
Rong XJ, Krugh KT, Shepard SJ, and Geiser WR. “Measurement of focal spot size with slit camera using computed radiography and flat-panel based digital detectors” Med Phys 30(7):1768-1775 (2003).
Hussain I and Shepard S. Performance Evaluation of a Prototype Dry Laser Image Printer Poster SU-FF-PDS-97. American Association of Physicists in Medicine 45th Annual Meeting San Diego, CA. Med Phys 30(6):1344 (2003).
Hussain I and Jackson E. Quality Control Measures for Clinical Fast and Ultra Fast MRI Pulse Sequences”, 89th Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, Abstract M19-1171, Dec 3, 2003.
Rong XJ, Shaw CC, Johnston DA, Lemacks MR, Liu X, Whitman GJ, Dryden MJ, Stephens TW, Thompson SK, Krugh KT, Lai CJ. “Microcalcification detectability for four mammographic detectors: flat-panel, CCD, CR, and screen/film”. Med Phys 29(9):2052-61 (2002).
Thompson SK, Willis CE, Krugh KT, Shepard SJ, and McEnery KW, “Implementing the DICOM Grayscale Standard Display Function for Mixed Hard- and Soft-Copy Operations,” J Digit Imaging 15 Suppl 1:27-32 (2002).
Shepard SJ, Thompson SK, Krugh KT, Venable S, and Munden R, “Design and implementation of a robust high-availability DICOM print network in a large multimodality clinical environment,” Proc. SPIE 4685, 263-269 (2002).
Rong J, Krugh KT, Shepard S, and Geiser W: Measurement of focal spot size with slit camera using computed radiography and flat-panel based digital detectors. TH-C-518-10 American Association of Physicists in Medicine 44th Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Med Phys 29 (6):1374 (2002).
Hussain I, Liu X, and Shaw C. CNR and Exposure Measurements with an aSi:h/CsI(Tl) Flat panel based digital chest system using LucAl Chest Phantom. SU-66-WIP-EXH-08 Works in Progress. American Association of Physicists in Medicine 44th Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Med Phys 29(8):1936-1937 (2002).
Mawlawi O, Macapinlac H, Erasmus JJ, Krugh K, Cody D, Forster K, and Chasen M, Transformation of CT Numbers to PET Attenuation Factors in the Presence of Iodinated IV Contrast” EJNM 8(29):S108 (2002).
Krugh KT, Cody DD, Thompson SK. “Z-axis high-contrast resolution for multi- vs. single-slice CT,” Proc. SPIE 4320, 744-753 (2001).
Rong JX, Shaw CC, Johnston DA, Lemacks MR, Liu X, Whitman GJ, Thompson SK, Krugh K. “Comparison of a-Si:H CsI flat-panel digital imaging systems with a CCD-based system, CR systems, and conventional screen-film systems – A contrast-detail phantom study,” Proc. SPIE 4320, 381-388 (2001).
Krugh KT, Cody DD, Milman RJ, Wagner LK, F. Eftekhari E. Radiation Skin Doses for Pediatric and Adult Patients in Multi-slice CT: A Comparative Study Using Anthropomorphic Phantoms and a Novel Dosimetry System. RSNA 2001 Supplement to Radiology 221(P):366 (2001).
Krugh KT, Thompson SK, Shepard SJ. Analytical method to convert Fuji CR processing parameters for use with the DICOM grayscale standard display function. American Association of Physicists in Medicine 43rd Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT Med. Phys. 28(6):1248 (2001).
Shepard SJ, Thompson SK, Krugh KT, Venable S, Munden R. Design and implementation of a robust, high-availability DICOM print network in a large, multi-modality clinical environment. American Association of Physicists in Medicine 43rd Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT Med. Phys. 28(6):1248 (2001).
J. Rong, C.C. Shaw, D.A. Johnston, M.R. Lemacks, X. Liu, G.J. Whitman, T. Stephens, M. Dryden, S.K. Thompson, K. Krugh, Microcalcification detectability for four mammographic detectors: flat-panel, CCD, CR and screen/film. American Association of Physicists in Medicine 43rd Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT Med Phys 28(8):1821 (2001).
K.T. Krugh, D.D. Cody, S.K. Thompson, “Multi- vs. single-slice CT: A look at z-axis resolution, Presented at the Southwest Regional Chapter of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (SWAAPM) Spring Meeting, Galveston, Texas, April 6-7, 2001.
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