Triple-negative inflammatory breast cancer survivor: Cancer is a war
Lately, I’ve seen a lot of people use the word ‘journey’ to describe dealing with cancer. A journey is a process, a path. It involves learning along the way. Although facing triple-negative inflammatory breast cancer seemed like a journey while processing my diagnosis, this word really doesn’t reflect the harsh reality of living or dying with cancer.
I’ve also heard a lot of people use the phrase ‘battling cancer.’ Yet, ‘battle...
Remembering my brother, James Ragan
I tried to write about my brother James Ragan’s path through the world of cancer and the things we learned from it, but thinking of certain...
Processed meat and colorectal cancer: Is there a link?
Eating processed meats can raise the risk of colorectal cancer, according to a report released today by the World Health Organization (WHO...
My squamous cell carcinoma journey
I didn’t think much of it when my neck got sore during a hunting trip in November 2014. But after my wife, Vicky, pointed out that I had a swollen lymph node in the area where I was experiencing pain, she scheduled an appointment for me to see a doctor in our hometown of Knoxville, Tennessee.
When antibiotics didn’t help, I had a needle biopsy. My results came back negative, but my doctor urged me to have the node surgically...
New breast cancer screening guidelines: What women should know
The American Cancer Society issued new guidelines this week for breast cancer screening. The new guidelines state:
Women with average...Elaine Turner: 3 ways my mom's breast cancer diagnosis has changed me
As the daughter of a long-term breast cancer survivor, cancer has shaped the life I lead personally and as the president and creative director...
The people who plan our research labs
Think about your home. There’s almost always something you need to fix and want to change. And then there are the occasional moves.
Doctor's play: Balancing miniature houses and medicine
Growing up, Patricia Eifel loved to paint, draw and play the piano. But once she started medical school, Eifel discovered she no longer had...
Inflammatory breast cancer survivor: How I kept faith and beat the odds
At age 43, I had never been sick with more than a cold. So when I found out I had stage IV inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) in December...
How my husband beat colon cancer with humor and a positive attitude
On Jan. 18, 2012, my husband Jared was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer. He was just 39 years old. A hard working lawyer, devoted father...