Making Memories Last: The Art of Legacy Work
Take a moment and think about someone close to you who's died. A grandparent, parent or friend . . . it can be anyone.
Were there any parts of themselves they left behind for you to remember? It could be anything: a recipe, picture, diary or family heirloom? It could be something as simple as a conversation the two of you had about what was important to him or her.
Intentional or not, we all leave behind these pieces...
Sunshine and Rain - Cartwheels and Pain
Mike Charnock of Houston, TX., was treated for high blood pressure and enlarged lymph nodes before doctors found the real cause. On July 26...
Like No Other Hospital
In June, Christy Little and her family traveled to MD Anderson from Birmingham, Ala., for treatment for her stepfather. What could have been...
Flat Colon Polyps and Endoscopic Mucosal Resection
Colon cancer is relatively common. Slightly more than 1 in 20 Americans will develop it during their lifetime. Unlike many other cancers, however, colon cancer is preventable.
Colonoscopy, the gold standard in colon cancer prevention, is a simple procedure compared to the emotional and physical turmoil that one would go through dealing with colon cancer. All that is required is taking the time off to prepare for and undergo the...
Re-Defining Normal
Nate Causey of Tupelo, Miss., was treated for TMJ and tension headaches before doctors found the real cause. At age 34, he was diagnosed with...
Q&A: Testicular Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men ages 20 to 34. Yet, it only accounts for 1% of all cancers that occur in men. With early...