Employee Discounts
MD Anderson is happy to provide information on vendors who have contacted us regarding discounted services and products available to employees. There are several ways that businesses can offer a discount. Some require that you print out the coupon and present it at the time of purchase, others require that you show your ID badge and others will offer a promotion code. Please note these vendor requirements when visiting each page.
Just because a discounted product or service is offered via this site does not mean that it is the best deal you can get, nor does it imply any guarantee of service or workmanship. Be a wise shopper and compare prices, reputation and service before making any purchase.
Some discounts may not be extended to retirees.
Available Discounts
Become a Vendor
Frequently Asked Questions
What types of vendors can participate?
A legitimate licensed business that does not violate our core values, rules of the UT Board of Regents or any federal, state or local laws can apply to participate.
Can I sign up my family business?
Unfortunately, employee owned or controlled businesses or those that have an employee interest (such as your daughter’s cookie sales) are not eligible to participate. Our regular solicitation policy still applies.
What if I know a business that does qualify? How do I get them involved in the program?
Let them know they can apply via the discounts site or they can send an email to discounts@mdanderson.org.
How do I get the discount?
Just follow the directions supplied by the vendor. Some require that you show your employee ID, others ask for a special vendor code and others provide a coupon.
What if I need to communicate with a vendor via email or want to sign up for special offer notifications electronically?
You should not use your work email account to correspond regularly with a vendor or sign up for offers as it takes up MD Anderson resources. The discounts site is available via the world wide web so that you can shop during the time you are not working as well as view the discounts with your family at home. A very small number of vendors may ask for you to send a brief email from your work email account just to verify that you are an employee, which is allowed. All other vendor emails should involve your personal email address.
Can my family members use a discount if it says I have to present my employee ID?
Yes, but only if you are present to show your ID badge at the time required. Be sure to follow the instructions that each vendor provides as they will vary.
Is MD Anderson finding me the best discount available?
Not necessarily. We are providing a service that lists discounts from qualified vendors for your convenience in one location. There may be other vendors who offer deeper discounts who simply have not contacted us.
What if I’m not satisfied with the product or service?
You should work out any disputes with the vendor involved. MD Anderson is not liable and does not provide any guarantee regarding workmanship or service. Please read the Employee Discount Policy for more information. Make sure you are an informed consumer when buying a product or entering into a service contract. If you have a serious grievance, you may report it to the discounts@mdanderson.org email address for our information. The only thing we can do is remove the vendor from our list, however.
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