How are the Design Guideline Elements and the Master Construction Specifications applied to a project?
Design Guideline Elements are to be used as a guide to develop project contract documents. The Master Construction Specifications are to be used as a guide template, modified as required for specific project requirements and issued as a project contract document.
How do I know that I have the latest version of a Design Guideline Element or Specification Section?
This site posts the most current Owner's Design Guidelines. If you are in possession of a document used on previous MD Anderson projects, do not assume that you have the latest. Always download the applicable documents from this site for each project that you design.
Which version of a Design Guideline Element is applicable for a particular project?
The version of a Design Guideline Element that is posted on this site at the time that the project proposal is approved for a given project.
Which version of a Master Construction Specification is applicable for a particular project?
The version of a Specification section that is posted on this site at the time that the design development phase begins for a given project.
What Codes should be enforced for installations at MD Anderson?
A comprehensive list of the various codes and regulations can be found within Element Z2005 of the Owner's Design Guidelines.
Who should I contact if I have questions about the Owner's Design Guidelines?
If you have a question regarding the requirements for a specific project, contact the Owner's Project Manager.
If you have a general, non-project related question, Please email the Department of Facilities Planning, Design and Construction (FPDC) or phone 713-792-5582.
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