Hagop Kantarjian, M.D.
Department Chair
MD Anderson Cancer Center is a global leader in the treatment of blood cancers. The Leukemia department is one of the most successful disease-specific cancer programs in the world, as well as one of the largest. As the largest medical academic department within the Cancer Medicine division, we have 29 clinical faculty and 20 research faculty. We have approximately 450 employees in the academic department, another 120 outpatient center employees and 150 inpatient employees all of whom support the leukemia research program. Our program sees over 2,000 new patients and 50,000 outpatient encounters each year, while maintaining an inpatient census over 120 patients per day. We have a special Fast Track Clinic for leukemia outpatients, to take care of treatment needs that don't require hospitalization.
Most leukemia patients coming to MD Anderson for their care are treated on a research clinical trial. Clinical research conducted by our faculty and staff consistently translates into new leukemia therapies and advances overall knowledge of the disease. We offer over 50 active clinical trials, many of these are not available in other cancer centers or the community, and many offer significant benefit over any therapy considered standard of care.
Here you can learn more about the Leukemia department, the services we provide, visit our Leukemia Hematology Grand Rounds series, and keep up with the latest news with our Leukemia Insights newsletter.
Diseases We Treat
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Your gift helps support innovative research that leads to new and improved methods of treatment and support for our leukemia patients.
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Contact Information
Leukemia Department
Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CST)
Mailing Address:
1515 Holcombe Blvd. - Unit 428
Houston, TX 77030
Physical Location:
Faculty Center - 3rd and 4th Floor
1400 Holcombe Blvd.
Houston, TX 77030
Academic Office: 713-792-7305
Fax: 713-563-7746
Leukemia Clinic Main Number: 713-792-8760
Toll Free: 85-LEUKEMIA
Email: leukemia@mdanderson.org
Memorial Gifts
For memorial gifts, make your check payable to:
MD Anderson Cancer Center
P.O. Box 4486
Houston, TX 77210-4486
Include a note with the name of your loved one and either the Leukemia Department or the name of the physician you wish to recognize with your gift.
For online giving, visit our donation page at: www.mdanderson.org/leukemiagiving.
Contact Debbie Campbell, Admin. Manager, dacampbell@mdanderson.org or 832-750-5591 if you have any questions.