Laura Gottlieb, M.D., M.P.H.
What can the healthcare sector do about patients’ social conditions
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Appointment InformationThe Acres Homes Cancer Prevention Collaboration (Acres Homes CPC) is an MD Anderson-led initiative that seeks to reduce cancer risk and ultimately improve cancer outcomes in a historic neighborhood. It is one of five new centers for cancer control research created as part of the Persistent Poverty Initiative of the National Cancer Institute — the first major program to address the structural and institutional factors of persistent poverty in the context of cancer.
The Acres Homes CPC is implemented in the context of MD Anderson’s place-based cancer prevention approach, Be Well Communities™.
Five core groups work together to develop and implement all aspects of the Acres Homes CPC around two scientific themes:
The Administrative Core provides leadership for the Acres Homes Cancer Prevention Collaboration, including planning, implementation, evaluation and communication support among cores and research projects, community partners and collaborating academic institutions. Additionally, the Administrative Core connects and integrates the Acres Homes CPC with the larger Persistent Poverty Initiative Network.
Core team:
Karen Basen-Engquist, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Lorna McNeill, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Ruth Rechis, Ph.D.
Miranda Baum, M.A.
Crystal Roberson, M.P.H.
The Career Enhancement Core coordinates recruitment, selection and training of high-performing early career scientists from any higher education institution to lead cancer prevention research in different communities fighting unique cancer risk factors. The paid fellowship program for graduate and postdoctoral students was designed to attract and retain promising early career researchers.
There are two fellowship programs available. Please visit these links for details:
Acres Homes Predoctoral Fellowship in Cancer Prevention
Acres Homes Postdoctoral Fellowship in Cancer Prevention
Core team:
Shine Chang, Ph.D.
Cheryl Anderson, Ph.D.
The Research and Methods Core provides comprehensive research expertise to all major research projects and pilot projects. They help scientists revise research questions, incorporate contextual variables and develop the right analytical tools to evaluate real-world programs.
Request services from the Research and Methods Core by completing this form.
Core team:
Sanjay Shete, Ph.D.
Ruth Rechis, Ph.D.
Stephanie Nutt, M.A., M.P.A.
Minxing Chen, M.S.
The Developmental Core identifies, funds and facilitates pilot projects to address challenges to cancer prevention in the context of social needs and persistent poverty alongside investigating potential interventions. They also facilitate collaboration with the other funded centers in the network.
The Engagement Core works collaboratively with the Be Well Acres Homes Steering Committee to foster research collaborations. They implement a workforce development program to provide service-learning experiences for trainees and investigators. They also develop, test and disseminate evidence-based messaging to engage the community in cancer prevention research and health behavior change.
Request services from the Engagement Core by completing this form.
Core team:
Lorna McNeill, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Ruth Rechis, Ph.D.
Alba Calzada
Chelsea Carrier
Haley Gardiner, M.P.H., C.H.E.S.
Jasmine Dailey, M.P.H., R.D., L.D., C.H.E.S.
Two research projects will be implemented to advance scientific knowledge in Acres Homes. They span the cancer control continuum from primary prevention to survivorship. The team science approach used by the research projects will integrate behavioral science, implementation science, geospatial analytics and health communication.
Project leader: Shreela Sharma, Ph.D.
Research Project 1 will test the effect of a multi-component produce provision plus nutrition education intervention on BMI and metabolic health in Acres Homes elementary school students and their parents, by comparing Brighter Bites participants to families from schools on the waitlist on a variety of outcomes.
Project leader: Karen Basen-Engquist, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Research Project 2 will adapt the Active Living After Cancer program by connecting it to ongoing Be Well Acres Homes activities and programs. Cancer survivors from Acres Homes will be enrolled, and the study will test the effect of the adapted program on their physical activity, quality of life and physical functioning.
What can the healthcare sector do about patients’ social conditions
This presentation explores how social determinants impact patient health and the role of health care professionals in addressing these issues.
The Community Innovation Lab: Integration of academic research, training and scholarship with institutional community outreach and engagement efforts
This presentation explores insights into how academic research and community coalitions can collaborate to improve cancer outcomes through place-based interventions.
Guiding light: harnessing the power of torchbearers and honoring their legacy in collective progress
This presentation allows you to be inspired by the legacy of leaders in community health and learn how we can contribute to their work towards collective progress.
For more information, email us at
The Acres Homes Cancer Prevention Collaboration is funded by the National Cancer Institute (1U54CA280804).